
The External Communications team is the first contact point with the Bank regarding requests for information, arranging embargoed access to speeches, access to media lock-ups and for obtaining material published by the Reserve Bank.

Upcoming Events*

Panel Participation by John Simon, Head of Economic Research

Australian Conference of Economists

To be held at

University of Adelaide,
North Terrace Campus, between Kintore Avenue and Frome Road,
SA 5005

To attend

Register online


There will be no text under embargo.


This event with a subsequent Q&A session is open to the media.

Panel participation by John Simon, Head of Economic Research

Macquarie University Business School

To be held at

Macquarie University City Campus
Angel Place
Level 24
123 Pitt Street

To attend



There will be no text under embargo.


This event with a subsequent Q&A session is open to the media.

Monetary Policy Decision Statement

(to be published on the Bank's website and to the wires at precisely 2.30 pm AEST)

Minutes of the August Board Meeting

Monetary Policy Meeting of Reserve Bank Board

Media lock-up

RBA Head Office, Sydney, 10.30 am AEST

* Event formats may change. Please confirm with the organiser.