Media Release The Year 2000

The latest round of status reports from financial institutions and payments service providers has now been processed and confirms earlier indications that the Australian financial system had made a smooth transition to the Year 2000. In particular:
- cash is readily available for those who need it – ATMs are working;
- financial records are being accurately maintained;
- EFTPOS and credit card systems are operating as normal; and
- overnight processing is complete.
The RBA/APRA Communications Centre will continue to monitor developments on a 24-hour basis over the next five days. The next round of regular status reports is due at 5:00 pm this afternoon and further reports will be received over the following days. The RBA/APRA Communications Centre is also in close contact with the Commonwealth Government's National Co-ordination Centre and with overseas regulators.
Ahead of resuming their full range of business activities on Tuesday, financial institutions are testing their systems in the “live” Year 2000 environment. This testing is being monitored by the RBA/APRA Communications Centre.
Further Media Releases will be issued as additional information becomes available. These Releases will be found on the Reserve Bank and APRA websites.
RBA/APRA Communications Centre
Phone: (02) 9551 8111