Media Release RBA Launches New Website

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has launched a major redesign of its website (

In redesigning the website, the RBA has focused on improving:

  • the quantity and quality of information on the site; and
  • the ease of access to that information.

Much more information can now be accessed from the site's Home Page including items of recent news, a list of forthcoming events and selected statistics. The website also has much improved navigation tools including a more detailed menu, search engine, FAQ's and extensive links.

The Head of the RBA's Information Department, Mr Paul Barry said that ‘the Bank places considerable importance on the effectiveness of its website in meeting the needs of the media, financial markets, researchers and the public generally for timely information on the RBA's policies, research and operations’.

The RBA continues to produce a range of hard copy publications, such as the monthly Bulletin, quarterly Statements on Monetary Policy and Annual Reports. All these and other publications are available free of charge on the website.

Mr Barry added that ‘we will be seeking to achieve ongoing improvements to our website and are therefore happy to receive any comments or suggestions from visitors to the site’.


Manager, Media Office
Information Department
Reserve Bank of Australia
(02) 9551 8111