Media Release Cancellation of RBA Media Releases Via Telerate

The recent acquisition of Moneyline Telerate by Reuters will require the Reserve Bank to change arrangements for distributing its media releases via real-time financial information providers.

Currently, the Bank publishes information in real time via three services, namely Bloomberg, Reuters and Telerate, as well as the Bank's website. Following its acquisition of Telerate, Reuters is planning to consolidate services and close down those Telerate pages that duplicate equivalent Reuters pages. This will include the pages through which the Bank provides information.

The Bank expects to continue distributing information via Telerate until 31 December 2005.

Current users of the Telerate pages should note that the equivalent information will continue to be distributed via the Reuters and Bloomberg financial information services. A list of the Reuters and Bloomberg pages corresponding to the Bank's Telerate pages is attached.

Any existing Telerate users who feel they will not be able to make alternative arrangements before the planned cessation of Telerate pages in December are encouraged to contact the Bank. The contact person is Angela Lalopoulos (phone: (612) 9551 8434, e-mail:


Manager, Media Office
Information Department
Reserve Bank of Australia

Phone: +61 2 9551 8111
Fax: +61 2 9221 5528