Joint Media Release

Warning to Internet Users about Hoax E-mail
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) and the Australian Bankers' Association (ABA) are warning the public of a hoax e-mail scam that is targeting Internet users.
The hoax e-mail (see below), which purports to be sent from the RBA, notes that the RBA is undertaking a security review and lures customers of three banks to provide confidential security details online. This information is false.
It is important to remember that no bona fide organisation, including the RBA or an individual bank, will ask you to reveal your online banking passwords or logon identification and that this important information should not be shared with anyone.
The RBA and the ABA advise that these hoax e-mails should be ignored and deleted. Be very suspicious of e-mails sent by people unknown to you, containing misspelt words and directing you to a link. The RBA has notified the relevant authorities about the hoax e-mail, and appropriate steps are being taken to investigate its source and take further action as necessary.
To protect your home computer, install and frequently update a proven anti-virus software product and always ensure you are operating in a secure environment. Many banks have detailed information on their websites on how bank customers can protect themselves from Internet fraud attempts perpetrated by criminals.
Advice to customers who have received the hoax e-mail:
- Delete the e-mail from your Inbox and from your Deleted Items.
- Do not click on the link embedded in the e-mail.
- If you have responded to this hoax e-mail, contact your bank immediately for advice.
- Install and keep up-to-date anti-virus and firewall software on your computer.
An example of the hoax e-mail is attached.
Enquiries: Reserve Bank of Australia
Manager, Media Office
Information Department
Reserve Bank of Australia
Phone: +61 2 9551 8111
Fax: +61 2 9221 5528
Enquiries: Australian Bankers' Association
Heather Wellard
Phone: +61 2 8298 0411
Mobile: 0409 830 439