Media Release Australian Foreign Exchange Committee (AFXC) – Website

The AFXC is launching its new website today.

The AFXC is a representative forum of the Australian foreign exchange market operating under the sponsorship of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). Membership is drawn from the leading foreign exchange banks and also includes representatives from the Association Cambiste Internationale (ACI) and the Australian Financial Markets Association (AFMA). The Chairman is elected from the Committee and the RBA provides a permanent secretary to the Committee.

The AFXC has evolved from the Foreign Exchange Market Consultative Group which the RBA formed in 1984 following the float of the Australian dollar in December 1983.

The AFXC aims to promote good market practices and to foster improvements in risk management in the Australian foreign exchange market. It also aims to help resolve technical issues that may arise in the market from time to time. A current issue for the AFXC is the calculation and publication of foreign exchange reference rates. The Committee has a proposal outlined in the ‘Issues’ section of the website on which it is seeking comment from interested parties.

The AFXC has sister committees in all major financial centres which share information and analysis of a range of financial market issues.

The new website can be found at


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