Media Release Reserve Bank of Australia and US Federal Reserve Swap Facility

To address continued pressures in global US dollar funding markets, the temporary reciprocal currency arrangements (swap lines) between the Federal Reserve and other central banks, including the Reserve Bank of Australia, have been extended to 30 October 2009. The extension currently applies to swap lines between the Federal Reserve and the Reserve Bank of Australia, the Banco Central do Brasil, the Bank of Canada, Danmarks Nationalbank, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Korea, the Banco de Mexico, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, the Norges Bank, the Monetary Authority of Singapore, the Sveriges Riksbank, and the Swiss National Bank. The Bank of Japan will consider the extension at its next Monetary Policy Meeting.


Dr Guy Debelle
Assistant Governor (Financial Markets)
Reserve Bank of Australia

Phone: +61 2 9551 8200

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Reserve Bank of Australia

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