Media Release Information Provided to the Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia

The Bank today published information provided to the Review of the Reserve Bank of Australia. The material was provided in response to two sets of questions from the Panel related to the key themes of the Review: monetary policy arrangements; performance against objectives, including communications; governance; and the institution more broadly. In addition, the Bank has provided the Panel with a range of documents, including reviews, publications, speeches and internal papers.

This material represents one of a number of ways the Reserve Bank has provided input to the Review. Members of the Reserve Bank Board and senior executives have also participated in meetings with the Panel, and all staff were invited to complete a confidential survey, participate in focus groups and make public or private submissions to the Review.

The Review Panel has also published this material today, alongside the public submissions it has received through a separate process.


External Communications
Secretary's Department
Reserve Bank of Australia

Phone: +61 2 9551 8111