Use of the TFF

Below is an excerpt from the August 2021 Statement on Monetary Policy, Box C: Use of the Reserve Bank's Term Funding Facility.

Banks accessed $188 billion of funding from the TFF

The TFF has provided $188 billion in funding to banks. This funding is equivalent to 4 per cent of banks' non-equity funding, or 6 per cent of credit. Drawdowns were concentrated over two periods of heightened activity in the lead up to expiry dates for allowances (Graph C.1).

Graph C.1
Term Funding Facility

Most banks took up most of their allowances

In aggregate, banks drew down 88 per cent of the total funding of $213 billion available over the life of the facility. By bank type, the major banks and mid-sized Australian banks took up all of their allowances in aggregate, while small banks and foreign banks took up a little over half of their total allowances (Graph C.2). By number, around two-thirds of banks accessed the TFF. Those that did not access the facility represented a very small share of allowances by value (Graph C.3). In large part these banks were small Australian banks and foreign banks, many with very small allowances, and some with larger allowances but with less ready access to collateral.

Graph C.2
Tff Usage
Graph C.3
Distribution of Tff Allowance Usage

The top 10 largest users of the TFF account for almost 90 per cent of drawdowns from the facility (Table C.1). Differences in the amount drawn from the TFF within this group largely reflect differences in banks' total credit outstanding; this is consistent with each bank's initial and supplementary allowances having been based on its credit outstanding when the allowances were set in March 2020 and September 2020. However, for some of these banks the additional allowances they accumulated were significant, reflecting strong growth in their loans to businesses since early 2020.

Table C.1: Top 10 Largest Drawdowns of the Term Funding Facility by Bank
  Total Allowance of which
  Initial(a) Supplementary and Additional(b)

Bank name

($ billion)
Share of
(Per cent)
($ billion)
Share of allowance
(Per cent)
($ billion)
Share of allowance
(Per cent)
CBA 51.14 100.0 19.15 100.0 31.99 100.0
NAB 31.87 100.0 14.27 100.0 17.60 100.0
Westpac 29.78 100.0 17.90 100.0 11.89 100.0
ANZ 20.09 100.0 12.00 99.8 8.09 99.9
Macquarie 11.26 99.1 1.72 100.0 9.53 98.9
ING Bank (Aust.) 5.42 100.0 1.87 100.0 3.55 99.9
Bendigo Bank 4.72 100.0 1.83 100.0 2.89 100.0
Suncorp 4.13 100.0 1.74 100.0 2.39 100.0
Judo Bank 2.86 33.1 0.03 99.8 2.83 32.9
BoQ 2.15 100.0 1.24 100.0 0.92 100.0

(a) Closed on 30 September 2020. More information on these allowances is available in the TFF Operational Notes.
(b) Closed on 30 June 2021. More information on these allowances is available in the TFF Operational Notes.

Source: RBA