Submissions on Reform of Debit Card Systems – Draft Standards

On 24 February 2005 the Reserve Bank gazetted draft standards for the EFTPOS and Visa Debit systems and released a Consultation Document setting out the draft standards and the reasons why these standards were proposed. The Bank sought submissions on these standards and its reasoning. The following submissions have been received.

Received by 29 April 2005

Australian Consumers' Association
Draft Standards on EFTPOS and Visa Debit 9KB
Article: Visa debit threat 19KB
28 April 2005

Australian Merchant Payments Forum
Submission to the Reserve Bank of Australia: Draft Standards for EFTPOS & Visa Debit 211KB
29 April 2005

Australian Settlements Limited
Building Society Comments on RBA Draft Standards for Visa Debit and EFTPOS 104KB
29 April 2005

Bank of Queensland Limited
Letter: Reform of the EFTPOS and Visa Debit Systems in Australia 16KB
Submission to RBA: EFTPOS and Visa Debit Consultation Document 48KB
29 April 2005

Commonwealth Bank of Australia
Payments System Reform 66KB
29 April 2005

Submission to the RBA on the Proposed Draft Standards for EFTPoS and Visa Debit Reform 62KB
29 April 2005

Credit Union Services Corporation (Australia) Limited
EFTPOS and Visa Debit 111KB
29 April 2005

Peter Mair
Submission to Reserve Bank: Reform of Card Payments Systems 104KB
29 April 2005

MoneySwitch Limited
Proposed Standards for Interchange Fees for EFTPOS 48KB
29 April 2005

National Australia Bank Limited
Response to EFTPOS and Visa Debit Draft Standard 36KB
29 April 2005

St.George Bank Limited
Reform of EFTPOS and Visa Debit Systems 40KB
29 April 2005

Suncorp-Metway Ltd
Letter 27KB
27 April 2005

Visa International Service Association
Letter: Reform of the EFTPOS and Visa Debit Systems in Australia 29KB
Submission: Comment on Reserve Bank of Australia Draft Standards and Consultation Document 206KB
Annexure: Reform of the EFTPOS and Visa Debit Systems in Australia – Economic Analysis 247KB
29 April 2005

Westpac Banking Corporation
Response to RBA's Reform of the EFTPOS and Visa Debit Systems in Australia, a Consultation Document – February 2005 23KB
29 April 2005

Received after 29 April 2005

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited
Reform of the EFTPOS and Visa Debit systems in Australia 19KB
31 May 2005

Australian Financial Counselling & Credit Reform Association Incorporated
Letter: Visa Debit and the risk of increased credit card use 34KB
30 April 2005

Coles Myer Ltd
Submission to the Reserve Bank of Australia: Draft Standards for EFTPOS & Visa Debit 106KB
26 July 2005

Consumers' Federation of Australia
Payment System Reform - Visa Debit Cards 31KB
5 May 2005