Payments & Infrastructure Resources Publications





Stablecoins: Market Developments, Risks and Regulation

RBA Bulletin
Cameron Dark, Eleanor Rogerson, Nick Rowbotham and Peter Wallis

The Cost of Card Payments for Merchants

RBA Bulletin
Troy Gill, Cara Holland and Georgia Wiley



Governance of Financial Market Infrastructures

RBA Bulletin
Stephanie Bolt and David Meredith

Retail Central Bank Digital Currency: Design Considerations, Rationales and Implications

RBA Bulletin
Tony Richards, Chris Thompson and Cameron Dark

Consumer Payment Behaviour in Australia

RBA Bulletin
James Caddy, Luc Delaney, Chay Fisher and Clare Noone

The Cost of Card Payments for Merchants

RBA Bulletin
Kateryna Occhiutto




Central Counterparty Margin Frameworks

RBA Bulletin
Louise Carter and Duke Cole

Recent Developments in the ATM Industry

RBA Bulletin
Stephen Mitchell and Chris Thompson

How Australians Pay: Evidence from the 2016 Consumer Payments Survey

Research Discussion Paper
Mary-Alice Doyle, Chay Fisher, Ed Tellez and Anirudh Yadav

The Ongoing Decline of the Cheque System

RBA Bulletin
Ed Tellez

How Australians Pay: New Survey Evidence

RBA Bulletin
Mary-Alice Doyle, Chay Fisher, Ed Tellez and Anirudh Yadav



CCPs and Banks: Different Risks, Different Regulations

RBA Bulletin
David Hughes and Mark Manning

Report on the Australian OTC Derivatives Market

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,
Australian Securities and Investments Commission and
Reserve Bank of Australia

Skin in the Game – Central Counterparty Risk Controls and Incentives 1.38MB

RBA Bulletin
Louise Carter and Megan Garner

The Value of Payment Instruments: Estimating Willingness to Pay and Consumer Surplus

Research Discussion Paper
Tai Lam and Crystal Ossolinski

Central Counterparty Loss Allocation and Transmission of Financial Stress

Research Discussion Paper
Alexandra Heath, Gerard Kelly and Mark Manning


Fast Retail Payment Systems

RBA Bulletin
Stephanie Bolt, David Emery and Paul Harrigan

The Equity Securities Lending Market

RBA Bulletin
Jonathan Carroll and Ashwin Clarke

The Evolution of Payment Costs in Australia

Research Discussion Paper
Chris Stewart, Iris Chan, Crystal Ossolinski, David Halperin and Paul Ryan

The Changing Way We Pay: Trends in Consumer Payments

Research Discussion Paper
Crystal Ossolinski, Tai Lam and David Emery

Report on the Australian OTC Derivatives Market

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,
Australian Securities and Investments Commission and
Reserve Bank of Australia

Non-dealer Clearing of Over-the-counter Derivatives

RBA Bulletin
Ashwin Clarke and Paul Ryan


Recovery and Resolution of Central Counterparties

RBA Bulletin
Matt Gibson

Central Counterparty Links and Clearing System Exposures

Research Discussion Paper
Nathanael Cox, Nicholas Garvin and Gerard Kelly

Report on the Australian OTC Derivatives Market

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,
Australian Securities and Investments Commission and
Reserve Bank of Australia

OTC Derivatives Reforms and the Australian Cross-currency Swap Market

RBA Bulletin
Ivailo Arsov, Greg Moran, Ben Shanahan and Karl Stacey

Australian Regulators' Statement on Assessing the Case for Mandatory Clearing Obligations

Council of Financial Regulators,
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,
Australian Securities and Investments Commission and
Reserve Bank of Australia

Letter from APRA - Qualifying Central Counterparties: ASX Clear and ASX Clear (Futures) 124KB

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority to Reserve Bank of Australia and
Australian Securities and Investments Commission

Letter to APRA - Qualifying Central Counterparties: ASX Clear and ASX Clear (Futures) 167KB

Council of Financial Regulators,
Reserve Bank of Australia and
Australian Securities Investments Commission to Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

Trends in Mobile Payments in Developing and Advanced Economies

RBA Bulletin
Darren Flood, Tim West and Daniel Wheadon


Australian OTC Derivatives Markets: Insights from the BIS Semiannual Survey

RBA Bulletin
Jason Ahn, Mihovil Matic and Christian Vallence

The Impact of Payment System Design on Tiering Incentives

Research Discussion Paper
Robert Arculus, Jennifer Hancock and Greg Moran

Report on the Australian OTC Derivatives Market

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority,
Australian Securities and Investments Commission and
Reserve Bank of Australia

Payment System Design and Participant Operational Disruptions

Research Discussion Paper
Ashwin Clarke and Jennifer Hancock

Central Counterparty Interoperability

RBA Bulletin
Nicholas Garvin

ATM Taskforce - Report on Transparency and Competition

RBA – Treasury ATM Taskforce

ATM Taskforce – Report on Indigenous ATM Issues

RBA – Treasury ATM Taskforce

The Personal Credit Card Market in Australia: Pricing over the Past Decade

RBA Bulletin
Iris Chan, Sophia Chong and Stephen Mitchell



A Guide to the Card Payments System Reforms

RBA Bulletin
Michele Bullock

Real-time Gross Settlement in Australia

RBA Bulletin
Peter Gallagher, Jon Gauntlett and David Sunner

Developments in the Financial System Architecture

Financial Stability Review

Reform of the ATM System – One Year On

RBA Bulletin
Brendan Filipovski and Darren Flood

The Foreign Exchange Market and Central Counterparties

RBA Bulletin
Mark Manning, Alex Heath and James Whitelaw

Developments in the Financial System Architecture

Financial Stability Review