Procurement and Suppliers
The Reserve Bank of Australia conducts its procurement activities in accordance with the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. The Commonwealth Procurement Rules govern how government entities buy goods and services, and are designed to ensure the Government and taxpayers get value for money.
The Department of Finance offers Australian government procurement information, specifically about selling to government. The Department of Finance looks after the Commonwealth Procurement Framework, and assists both Government and business through advice, support and services.
The Bank may issue a Request for Proposal incorporating its Process Conditions by referring to the Request for Proposal – Process Conditions | RBA page of this website. Not all procurement processes of the Bank will incorporate these Process Conditions. Please consult the relevant procurement documentation issued by the Bank for information on applicable terms and conditions.

The Bank is a member of Supply Nation, Australia's largest database of verified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses that is dedicated to growing the work opportunities available to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders across the country.
If you would like to supply to the Bank, please contact the Procurement Team.
If you are a current supplier to the Bank and need to submit an invoice please do so by sending your invoice to Accounts Payable referencing your Purchase Order. Standard terms and conditions apply to all Purchase Orders issued by the Bank.
Procurement Complaints
If you are a supplier or potential supplier to the Bank and have a complaint about a specific procurement process, please contact Procurement Complaints.
The Bank provides a list of current Public Interest Certificates which may be relevant to your procurement.