September 2024
Financial Stability ReviewWhen is it published?
The FSR is published twice a year. It is released shortly after the March and September meetings of the Monetary Policy Board.
Last published 26 September 2024
Next published 3 April 2025
What does it include?
The FSR includes an assessment of the current global and domestic macrofinancial environment and the potential risks to financial stability in the period ahead. It examines the resilience of households and businesses, as well as banks and non-bank financial institutions. The Focus Topics provide a more detailed look at current and emerging risks.
Who prepares it and how is it used?
The FSR is prepared by RBA staff and is presented to the Monetary Policy Board twice a year. It informs the Board’s understanding of the current resilience of the financial system and any potential risks to financial stability.
What are the cut-off dates for data and analysis?
The data and analysis within the FSR are finalised on the Monday before publication.