Research Discussion Paper – RDP 2006-08 A Survey of Housing Equity Withdrawal and Injection in Australia
August 2006
- Introduction
- Concepts and Literature Review
- The Survey
- How was Equity Withdrawn and Injected?
- Characteristics of Households Withdrawing and Injecting Equity
- Uses and Sources of Funds
- Aggregate Implications of the Survey
- Conclusion
- Appendix A: Measurement of Aggregate Housing Equity Withdrawal
- Appendix B: Survey Details
- Appendix C: Defining Equity Withdrawers and Injectors
- Appendix D: Variable Definitions and Summary Statistics
- References
- Copyright and Disclaimer Notices
We would like to thank Ivailo Arsov, Susan Black, Lynne Cockerell, Luci Ellis, Justin Fabo, Marianne Gizycki, Christopher Kent, Chris Lonergan, Philip Lowe, Philip O'Donaghoe, Crystal Ossolinski, Anthony Richards and Anthony Rossiter for useful comments and their contributions at various stages of the project. The authors are responsible for any remaining errors. Tim Hampton contributed to this paper while working at the Reserve Bank of Australia; he has since returned to work at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Reserve Bank of Australia.