Research Discussion Paper – RDP 2018-10 Wage Growth Puzzles and Technology

Supplementary Information

Read me file

This ‘read me’ file details the supplementary information available for RDP 2018–10. Publically available plotting data for figures appearing in the RDP can be found in the spreadsheet: rdp-2018-10-graph-data.xls. A copy of the unpublished manuscript referred to in the RDP, James (2017), is included in this package.

Figure data

Data is provided for Figures 1–5, 7, A1 and A2.

Data is provided for Figure 6 only from September 1959 onwards, data prior to that cannot be provided as they are estimates based on unpublished sources.

Bibliography material

James E (2017), ‘Upward Trends in the Profit Share’, Unpublished manuscript, Reserve Bank of Australia, 14 July.

  • Supplementary information

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