RDP 2019-12: Confidence in Australian Banknotes Read me
December 2019
This ‘read me’ file contains details of the code and data used in the RDP 2019-12.
The following data sources were used:
Reserve Bank of Australia Banknotes Survey Data
Obtained from the RBA online banknotes surveys in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2017 and 2019. Only relevant variables are included in the final dataset. The combined survey dataset (saved as ‘finaldata.dta’) is used to generate the results of this paper. The csv version of the data (‘finaldata.csv’) is also made available.
Description of variables is contained in ‘Variables Description.xls’.
Genuine Banknotes Submitted in Error Data
Internal RBA data – not available for release due to confidentiality reasons.
Unique Reported Incidents Data
Internal RBA data – not available for release due to confidentiality reasons.
Media Reports Data
Internal RBA data – not available for release due to confidentiality reasons.
Figure Data
Data for all figures except Figure 3 are created using data provided in ‘rdp-2019-12-graph-data.xls’. Genuine banknotes and media reports data are not publically available due to confidentiality reasons.
We use Stata 13.0 to run the following programs:
- Main Regressions.do
- Robustness Checks.do
The first program produces the results reported in the tables. Note that data used for Table 2 and Table 9 are not publically available.
The second program runs the robustness checks which are included in Appendix A (Table A1 and Table A2).
19 December 2019