Our Policies

This page lists codes, policies and commitments that help govern the operations of the Reserve Bank.

  • Code of Conduct for Payments System Board Members
    Payments System Board Members recognise their role in maintaining the Bank's reputation for integrity and propriety in all respects and they agree to adhere to this Code of Conduct.

  • Code of Conduct for Governance Board Members
    To be published upon approval by this Board.
  • Code of Conduct for Monetary Policy Board Members
    To be published upon approval by this Board.
  • Code of Conduct for Staff
    Staff have a responsibility to conduct themselves with a high degree of integrity, to strive for excellence in the work they perform and the outcomes they achieve, and to promote the public interest.

  • Executive Accountability Framework
    Executives at the Reserve Bank of Australia are held to high standards of accountability. The Executive Accountability Framework outlines where accountability for the Bank's functions and operations lies within the Bank's executive team. These Executives are accountable for the decisions, actions and outcomes in these areas.

  • Risk Management Policy
    This policy is about managing the Bank's risk environment and taking measures, where necessary, to ensure those risks are contained to acceptable levels. It includes a Risk Appetite Statement.

  • Work Health and Safety Policy (WHS)
    The Bank is committed to providing all its workers with a safe and healthy place to work, and work practices that do not compromise the health or safety of others including contractors, visitors and members of the public.

  • Competition Law Guidance
    The Reserve Bank of Australia is committed to ensuring that meetings convened by the Bank are conducted in compliance with Australia's competition laws.

  • Environmental Statement
    This Statement spells out the Bank's commitment to the environment.

  • Banknote Reproduction Guidelines
    The Reserve Bank of Australia consents to the use of reproductions and images or partial images of past and present Australian banknotes that meet certain conditions.

  • Exchange Settlement Account Policy
    The Exchange Settlement Accounts (ESAs) are the means by which providers of payments services settle obligations that have accrued in the clearing process. This policy outlines the ESA eligibility; and provides additional information on management of an ESA and the application process.

  • Privacy Policy
    The Reserve Bank of Australia respects the privacy of the individuals who interact with it or whose personal information it collects indirectly, and is committed to protecting the privacy of those individuals. This Policy sets out some key information about the Bank's approach to privacy.

  • Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
    The staff and management of the Reserve Bank recognise that reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians is the right thing to do. The RAP outlines the Bank's contribution to reconciliation.

  • Accessibility Action Plan (AAP)
    The Reserve Bank of Australia is committed to being an inclusive organisation. The Bank's AAP sets out the steps it plans to take to remove barriers to full participation at the Bank.

  • Modern Slavery Statement
    The Reserve Bank of Australia and Note Printing Australia have taken steps to assess and address modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains.

  • Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) pledge
    The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) have published a joint statement on the actions they are taking to ensure financial institutions and the Australian financial system are prepared to respond to the financial risks of climate change.