Equal Employment Opportunity Annual Report – 1993 Overview
This Report is the sixth by the Reserve Bank since an equal employment opportunity program was first implemented in 1985. The past year marked the formal conclusion to our third two-year plan. There has therefore been an opportunity to review progress and to highlight areas requiring stronger emphasis in the new strategies being developed for 1993/94 and beyond.
As mentioned last year, the Bank's recent EEO programs have operated against the background of a major restructuring in the Bank that has taken place since 1990. This process, which is continuing, has affected to some extent the implementation of certain strands of the EEO program.
While there is a downside to restructuring when it leads to substantial job losses, the Bank's experience has been that, broadly speaking, the changes have enhanced openness, merit and equity in appraisal and selection processes, training opportunities and work arrangements in the Bank. The decentralisation of decision-making on personnel matters has been an important change. Supervisors are now involved more directly in the review of position descriptions, the assessment of training and development needs and the selection and appraisal of their staff. There is now greater acceptance throughout the Bank that EEO is a normal part of day-to-day people management activities.
Changes in legislation and the introduction of the Disability Discrimination Act (1992) resulted in a number of policies and practices being reviewed. In addition, information on the changes was sent to managers throughout the Bank, both to inform them and to serve as a reminder of the responsibilities shared by all managers.
Note Printing Australia (NPA), a separate division of the Bank, also undertook a number of EEO related strategies.
Details of progress made during the past year are presented in the following report; activities are described under the Section 6 headings of the Act.