Equal Employment Opportunity Annual Report – 2000 Executive Summary
As required by the Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987, the Bank's EEO program involves the development, implementation and monitoring of an EEO plan.
The representation of the designated EEO groups in the Bank remained similar to last year. This was despite a decline in staff numbers, due to a restructuring and redundancy program and associated closure of three Bank branches. There was a modest rise in staff from non-English speaking backgrounds.
During the year 80% of staff attended some form of training and the Bank provided financial support to the 11% of staff engaged in formal study. The analyses undertaken indicate that the representation of the designated EEO groups in these activities was broadly consistent with their representation in the Bank as a whole.

Several indicators reflect, in particular, the improved position of women in the Bank. Women comprised almost 40% of the graduate intake this year, despite their under representation in tertiary economics study. The proportion of women in management positions also continued to rise, from a baseline of 8% in 1991 to 26% this year. This year 89% of women completing parental leave returned to work, the highest return rate yet observed.
Job sharing became a permanent flexible work option during the year while several new options were introduced – time off in lieu of payment for overtime and the extension of carer's leave arrangements to allow half-day absences. A trial of other half-day leave types is in progress. Part-time work was approved for 6% of staff over the year, including 75% of women returning to work from parental leave. Other initiatives still under investigation are telecommuting and child care arrangements.
These initiatives confirm the Bank's commitment to providing its employees with reasonable flexibility to balance their work and other commitments. They underpin the Bank's policy of recruiting and retaining the best employees from diverse backgrounds, within a framework of merit based decision making.
An issue identified in this report which will be considered further in the coming year is the encouragement of applications from people with disabilities who match the job requirements of vacancies that arise in the Bank.