Equity & Diversity Annual Report – 2006 Section 1: Equity & Diversity at the RBA
The RBA's formal commitment to the principles of merit and equal opportunity in the workplace emanates from the inception of its Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program in 1984. The aim of the program is to encourage good management practices for all staff, while meeting legal obligations for designated EEO groups. The program previously involved a five year Workplace Diversity Plan as well as a separate three year Disability Action Plan.
A new Workplace Diversity Plan 2006–2008 has been designed to incorporate the former disability action plan and now accommodates the additional key area of the ageing workforce, also highlighted by the Age Discrimination Act 2004. Section 3 of this report provides more detail of the Workplace Diversity Plan.
The table below details the legal obligations that underpin the diversity program. The various pieces of legislation have provided a basis for the introduction of policies and practices aimed at ensuring a fair and equitable workplace.
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 | Privacy Act 1988 | Occupational Health & Safety (Commonwealth Employment) Act 1991 |
Sex Discrimination Act 1984 | Freedom of Information Act 1989 | Disability Discrimination Act 1992 |
Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 | Workplace Relations Act 1996 | Commonwealth Disability Strategy 1999 |
Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987 | Age Discrimination Act 2004 |
Responsibility for Equity & Diversity
Overall accountability for the RBA's equity & diversity program rests with the Governor. Responsibility for overseeing the program rests with the Equity & Diversity Policy Committee and Personnel Department. The Equity & Diversity Policy Committee is a consultative body which makes recommendations to the Governor on equity and diversity issues. In 2005/06, the Committee met four times to identify and discuss equity and diversity issues relevant to the RBA, monitor progress of initiatives under the diversity program and develop the new diversity plan. The Terms of Reference of the Committee are set out at Appendix 4.1.

Staff Training & Development Section, Personnel Department, provides support to the Equity & Diversity Policy Committee. The section researches diversity policy issues, disseminates equity and diversity information, liaises with Diversity Contact Managers and coordinates and monitors progress reports. Staff from the section also manage the Bank's interest in the Billabond Children's Centre, maintain links with the public and private sector in relation to equity and diversity matters and represent the RBA on the executive committee of the NSW EEO Practitioners Association (NEEOPA).
The Head of each functional area is responsible for the implementation of the diversity program. They, or their Diversity Contact Manager, provide regular progress reports. Each supervisor is responsible for ensuring that equity and diversity principles are adhered to in the workplace. All staff have a responsibility to ensure that the decisions they take and their actions in the workplace are consistent with equity and diversity principles.
Collection of Equity & Diversity Data
All staff are invited to voluntarily complete an Equity & Diversity form when they commence employment at the RBA. The form includes questions regarding disability, ethnic origin, languages, and education. The quality of statistics is dependent on the responses provided on this form. A revised version of the form sent to all staff in 2004 also provided an opportunity to receive details from staff who had acquired a disability since commencing at the RBA.