Payments System Board Annual Report – 2019 The Payments System Board's Announcements and Reserve Bank Reports

This section lists developments since mid 2018. The Payments System Board's Annual Report 2006 contained a list of the Board's announcements and related Reserve Bank reports up to that time. Subsequent annual reports have contained an annual update.


Financial Technology and Payments Regulation’, Michele Bullock, 5th Bund Summit on Fintech in Shanghai, 8 July 2018

Media Release 2018-19, ‘Payment System Board Update: August 2018 Meeting’, 24 August 2018

‘The New Payments Platform and Fast Settlement Service’, RBA Bulletin, September 2018

An Update on Australia's New Payments Platform’, Tony Richards, Chicago Payments Symposium, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 3 October 2018

Media Release 2018-26, ‘New Payments Platform: Consultation’, 29 October 2018

Media Release 2018-28, ‘Payment System Board Update: November 2018 Meeting’, 23 November 2018

A Journey Towards a Near Cashless Payments System’, Phillip Lowe, Australian Payment Summit 2018, 26 November 2018

Opening Panel Remarks on the Regulatory Landscape for Payments’, Tony Richards, Australian Payment Summit 2018, 27 November 2018

Payment Surcharges: Economics, Regulation and Enforcement’, RBA Bulletin, December 2018


Media Release 2019-03, ‘Payment System Board Update: February 2019 Meeting’, 25 February 2019

Media Release 2019-04, ‘Consultation on the Operation of the Bank's Interchange Standards’, 28 February 2019

New Payments Insights from the Updated Retail Payments Statistics Collection’, RBA Bulletin, March 2019

Media release 2019-09, ‘Consultation on ISO 20022 Migration for the Australian Payments System’, 8 April 2019

Leaning In: Towards Better Payment and Clearing Systems’, Michele Bullock, 2019 ASIC Annual Forum, 16 May 2019

Media Release 2019-13, ‘Payment System Board Update: May 2019 Meeting’, 24 May 2019

Media Release 2019-14, ‘The Operation of the Interchange Standards: Conclusions and Variation of Standards’, 31 May 2019

Media Release 2019-17, ‘New Payments Platform: Conclusions Paper’, 13 June 2019

Modernising Australia's Payments System’, Michele Bullock, Central Bank Payments Conference in Berlin, 25 June 2019

Cryptocurrency: Ten Years On’, RBA Bulletin, June 2019