Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1961 Financial Statements Balance Sheets

As at 30th June, 1961

Liabilities— CENTRAL BANKING BUSINESS 1961 1960
Capital 4,000,000 4,000,000
Reserve Bank Reserve Fund 17,914,692 14,562,298
Deposits, bills payable and all other liabilities:
Statutory Reserve Deposit Accounts, of trading banks 233,053,000 303,125,000
Other deposits of trading banks 38,988,665 33,133,110
Deposits of savings banks 138,572,498 136,278,215
Deposits of overseas institutions* 87,673,669 9,312,407
Other (including amounts provided for contingencies) 134,421,644 124,616,183
Total £654,624,168 £625,027,213
*This item includes any deposits of governments and central banks of other countries and of international financial institutions
Gold, and balances held abroad (including money at short call and treasury bills) 289,170,906 245,450,319
Other overseas securities 17,955,849 24,947,434
Australian notes and coin 4,123,591 3,096,150
Australian Government securities (including treasury bills) 248,905,456 257,942,030
Cheques and bills of other banks 2,793,411 2,515,599
Loans, advances and bills discounted 72,200,394 76,800,763
Bank premises (at cost less amounts written off) 2,357,636 1,970,017
Bills receivable and remittances in transit 13,467,942 8,040,439
All other assets 3,648,983 4,264,462
Total £654,624,168 £625,027,213

H.C. COOMBS, Chairman, Reserve Bank Board—17th August, 1961

Auditor-General's Report

The above Balance-sheet has been examined and is in agreement with the accounts and records as shown in the books of the Head Office and the certified returns from Branches and Agencies. In my opinion the statement shows fairly the state of affairs of the Bank in relation to Central Banking business as at 30th June, 1961.

V.J.W. SKERMER, Auditor-General for the Commonwealth—21st August, 1961

Liabilities— NOTE ISSUE DEPARTMENT 1961 1960
Australian notes on issue* 415,783,341 419,112,018
Special Reserve—Premium on gold sold 4,754,954 4,754,954
All other liabilities* 10,328,110 9,682,905
Total £430,866,405 £433,549,877
*Australian notes of a denomination not exceeding One pound that have been on issue for more than twenty years and Australian notes of a denomination exceeding One pound that have been on issue for more than forty years are not included in the item “Australian notes on issue” but are included in the item “All other liabilities”.
Gold, and balances held abroad (including money at short call and treasury bills) 175,378,864 198,456,658
Other overseas securities 15,996,744 19,991,356
Australian Government securities (including treasury bills) 239,431,304 215,041,502
All other assets 59,493 60,361
Total £430,866,405 £433,549,877

H.C. COOMBS, Chairman, Reserve Bank Board—17th August, 1961

Auditor-General's Report

The above Balance-sheet has been examined and is in agreement with the accounts and records as shown in the books of the Head Office and the certified returns from Branches and Agencies. In my opinion the statement shows fairly the state of affairs of the Department as at 30th June, 1961.

V.J.W. SKERMER, Auditor-General for the Commonwealth—21st August, 1961

Liabilities— RURAL CREDITS DEPARTMENT 1961 1960
Capital 4,714,000 4,714,000
Rural Credits Department Reserve Fund 1,708,242 1,491,175
Rural Credits Development Fund 245,356 201,046
All other liabilities (including amounts provided for contingencies) 75,525,170 68,742,090
Total £82,192,768 £75,148,311
Cash balances
Australian Government securities (including treasury bills)
Loans, advances, bills discounted and all other assets
(after deducting provisions for debts considered bad or doubtful)
82,192,768 75,148,311
Total £82,192,768 £75,148,311

H.C. COOMBS, Chairman, Reserve Bank Board—17th August, 1961

Auditor-General's Report

The above Balance-sheet has been examined and is in agreement with the accounts and records as shown in the books of the Head Office and the certified returns from Branches and Agencies. In my opinion the statement shows fairly the state of affairs of the Department as at 30th June, 1961.

V.J.W. SKERMER, Auditor-General for the Commonwealth—21st August, 1961