Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1976 Financial Statements Note 7 Transfers in reduction of unfunded adjustments arising from fluctuations in exchange rates

  Central Banking Business Note Issue Department Total
Transfers from:
Reserves for contingencies 26,464 107,259 38,331 126,043 64,795 233,302
Exchange valuation gains (See Note 8) 48,036 119,080 78,424 90,374 126,460 209,454
  74,500 226,339 116,755 216,417 191,255 442,756

During 1975/76, net book gains arising from fluctuations in exchange rates (see Note 8) totalled $126 million ($209 million – 1974/75); these book gains were excluded from profit and loss accounts and passed directly to exchange valuation adjustment accounts as a deduction from past exchange losses. The exchange valuation adjustment accounts were also reduced during 1975/76 by transfers totalling $65 million ($233 million – 1974/75) from reserves for contingencies of Central Banking Business and Note Issue Department, including substantial amounts allocated from current earnings.