Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1981 Financial Statements Aggregate Profit and Loss Appropriation Statement

For the Year Ended 30 June 1981

Net profits appropriated as follows:
Central Banking Business —
Commonwealth of Australia   124,936 62,687
Note Issue Department —
Commonwealth of Australia   135,000 185,000
Rural Credits Department —
Rural Credits Department Reserve Fund 1,850   1,650
Rural Credits Development Fund 1,850 3,700 1,650
Total   263,636 250,987
Gold and foreign exchange (Note 2) —
Gold 3,184,055 4,116,827
International Monetary Fund special drawing rights 45,667 30,113
Foreign exchange holdings 2,224,635 1,357,319
Australian government securities (Note 3) —
Treasury bills 1,900,000 2,500,000
Treasury notes 678,320 385,210
Other Commonwealth securities 2,149,781 2,312,421
Loans, advances and bills discounted 837,323 608,336
Bank premises(Note 4) 131,975 112,100
Clearing items (remittances in transit, cheques and bills of other banks) 594,477 465,750
Australian notes and coin 46,818 36,572
Other assets 86,798 82,488
Total 11,879,849 12,007,136

H.M. Knight
Chairman, Reserve Bank Board — 31 July 1981

Net profits (after deducting amounts written off bank premises and amounts provided for contingencies and general purposes) (Notes 1, 4 and 5) —    
Central Banking Business 124,936 62,687
Note Issue Department 135,000 185,000
Rural Credits Department 3,700 3,300
Total 263,636 250,987

H.M. Knight
Chairman, Reserve Bank Board — 31 July 1981