Conference Volume – 1996 The Future of the Financial System

Editor: Malcolm Edey
A volume, containing the conference papers and discussions, was published on 16 September 1996.
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Participants in this conference included leading academics and policymakers, as well as senior economists from the Australian financial industry. Two of the papers were written by Bank staff: one by senior members of Economic Research and Banking Supervision Departments, and the other by Graeme Thompson, then Deputy Governor of the Bank. The views of industry participants were represented in four short papers, as well as in discussants' comments. Of the remaining papers, two were written by British academic finance specialists and two by staff from policy authorities, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas and the European Monetary Institute.
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- Part I: Historical and International Perspectives
- Part II: Prospects
- Part III: Implications for Regulatory Policy
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ISBN 0-642-25621-7 (Print)