RBA Annual Conference – 2022 The Causes, Challenges and Consequences of the Low Interest Rate Environment

The Reserve Bank of Australia's 2022 annual conference brought together senior central bankers, financial institutions and advisers, academics and industry to discuss the current, policy-relevant issue of the causes, challenges and consequences of the low interest rate environment. It canvassed the possible responses including objectives, instruments and the framework for monetary policy. Importantly, the conference also considered the interactions between the main economic policy institutions.
The Conference was conducted under the Chatham House rule.
OverviewDownload 402KB
Section One: Scene Setting and Causes
Fiscal, Monetary and Macroprudential Regimes: Incentives-Values Compatibility in Constitutional DemocraciesDownload 375KB
Discussant: Bruce Preston, University of MelbourneDownload 84KB
General discussionDownload 366KB
Section Two: Challenges
The Consequences of Low Interest Rates for the Australian Banking Sector
(presentation) 1.13MBDownload 1.19MB -
Discussant: Adam Richardson, Reserve Bank of New ZealandDownload 417KB
General discussionDownload 267KB
The Economics of Low Interest Rates (presentation)Download 1.02MB
Discussant: Gianni La Cava, e61Download 2.64MB
General discussionDownload 260KB
Monetary and Fiscal Institutional Arrangements: Have We Got Them Backwards? (presentation)
Download 202KB -
Discussant: Chris Edmond, University of MelbourneDownload 215KB
General discussionDownload 277KB
Measuring Global Interest Rate Comovements with Implications for Monetary Policy Interdependence
(presentation) 1.13MBDownload 495KB -
Discussant: Alexandra Heath, Reserve Bank of AustraliaDownload 432KB
General discussionDownload 268KB
Section Three: Consequences
Gazing at r*: A Hysteresis Perspective
(presentation) 1.04MBDownload 1.62MB -
Discussant: Michele Bullock, Reserve Bank of AustraliaDownload 799KB
General discussionDownload 279KB
Rates Normalization Amid Elevated Global Financial Vulnerabilities
(presentation) 4.82MBDownload 1.58MB -
Discussant: Warwick McKibbin, Australian National UniversityDownload 588KB
General discussionDownload 269KB
Section Four: Panel Discussion
Wrap-up Panel DiscussionDownload 833KB