RDP 9109: Estimates of Private Sector Wealth 3. Trends in and Contributions to Private Sector Wealth

Quarterly estimates of private non-human wealth at market prices are set out in Table 1. These show that at the end of the June quarter 1990, private wealth was $1,428 billion. This compares with a figure of $405 billion in the June quarter 1980. Private wealth is plotted in Chart 1. Wealth has grown strongly throughout the 1980s. This growth was particularly strong between mid-1985 and mid-1989. The stock market fall of October 1987 was the only major negative factor over this period. The four-quarter-ended growth in wealth has slowed from a high of 28 per cent in the December quarter 1988 to 8 per cent in the June quarter 1990. This is due to the levelling off in dwelling prices and the poor performance of the stock market over this period. Chart 2 shows the four quarter ended growth in real per capita wealth. This has grown almost continuously since the beginning of 1984 and averaged 4.7 per cent per annum between 1984 and 1989.

Table 1: Private Wealth ($ billion)
  Dwellings Household Durables Business Assets Non-Official Holdings of Government Bonds Notes and Coin in Circulation
Total Personal Wealth
Mar 1980 194.9 31.4 119.0 29.4 4.9 379.6
Jun 1980 205.1 31.9 135.4 28.0 5.0 405.4
Sep 1980 212.4 32.8 146.0 29.4 5.1 425.7
Dec 1980 220.1 33.5 152.8 30.6 5.6 442.6
Mar 1981 235.4 34.3 150.3 31.8 5.4 457.2
Jun 1981 245.8 35.1 157.4 30.3 5.6 474.2
Sep 1981 245.6 36.2 144.9 32.6 5.8 465.1
Dec 1981 257.2 37.8 153.8 35.7 6.3 490.8
Mar 1982 257.4 38.7 145.9 38.9 6.1 487.0
Jun 1982 267.4 39.8 147.8 39.8 6.3 501.1
Sep 1982 264.9 41.1 156.4 41.3 6.4 510.1
Dec 1982 266.2 42.0 156.7 46.7 6.9 518.5
Mar 1983 273.7 43.1 164.4 48.3 6.7 536.2
Jun 1983 283.5 44.4 182.9 48.7 6.8 566.3
Sep 1983 283.0 45.3 204.2 53.6 7.1 593.2
Dec 1983 295.7 46.2 218.7 61.1 7.8 629.5
Mar 1984 307.4 46.9 216.3 63.2 7.4 641.2
Jun 1984 319.2 47.6 209.1 62.5 7.8 646.2
Sep 1984 328.5 48.4 225.8 63.8 8.0 674.5
Dec 1984 328.8 49.1 226.6 64.0 8.9 677.4
Mar 1985 338.6 50.3 242.1 65.7 8.6 705.3
Jun 1985 346.4 51.9 223.6 62.6 8.9 693.4
Sep 1985 348.0 53.4 278.5 63.7 9.0 752.6
Dec 1985 364.2 55.5 282.5 63.9 9.7 775.8
Mar 1986 368.9 57.4 296.3 64.6 9.4 796.6
Jun 1986 357.6 59.0 308.6 62.3 9.6 797.1
Sep 1986 365.4 61.1 319.1 63.9 9.9 819.4
Dec 1986 368.5 63.6 360.1 72.3 10.6 875.1
Mar 1987 370.0 64.5 401.2 72.0 10.3 918.0
Jun 1987 377.1 66.3 375.6 73.1 10.6 902.7
Sep 1987 393.5 66.3 472.2 77.5 10.9 1,020.4
Dec 1987 417.5 67.7 391.7 74.3 12.0 963.2
Mar 1988 488.2 68.8 383.1 74.6 11.7 1,026.4
Jun 1988 531.2 70.7 420.1 73.6 12.0 1,107.6
Sep 1988 588.1 72.1 419.0 75.7 12.5 1,167.4
Dec 1988 643.2 74.1 423.4 74.8 13.6 1,229.1
Mar 1989 666.9 75.5 436.3 74.9 13.2 1,266.8
Jun 1989 697.5 77.3 461.8 69.3 13.3 1,319.2
Sep 1989 702.6 79.0 513.5 70.7 13.5 1,379.3
Dec 1989 716.3 81.1 504.4 71.3 14.5 1,387.6
Mar 1990 717.2 83.1 497.9 70.6 13.8 1,382.6
Jun 1990 741.4 84.4 524.6 63.8 14.0 1,428.2
Chart 1: Total Private Wealth
(Log Scale)
Chart 1: Total Private Wealth
Chart 2: Growth in Real Per Capita Wealth
Chart 2: Growth in Real Per Capita Wealth

Tables 2 and 3 show the estimates of business wealth and dwelling wealth respectively.[16] These two series are plotted in Chart 3. The rapid growth of dwelling wealth during 1988 is apparent; so is the strong performance of business wealth from 1983 until the stock market fall.

Table 2: Business Wealth ($ billion)
  [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]  
Non-Rural Equipment and Stocks Non-Rural Non-Dwelling Construction Rural Wealth
Australian Ownership of Foreign Assets Overseas Ownership of Australian Assets Total Business Wealth [1+2+3+4−5]
Mar 1980 58.7 31.0 53.3 4.3 28.3 119.0
Jun 1980 69.1 35.1 57.2 4.5 30.5 135.4
Sep 1980 76.6 38.0 59.3 4.7 32.6 146.0
Dec 1980 81.0 40.2 61.4 4.9 34.7 152.8
Mar 1981 78.7 39.9 63.5 5.1 36.9 150.3
Jun 1981 83.2 42.3 65.6 5.3 39.0 157.4
Sep 1981 72.9 38.5 68.0 5.7 40.2 144.9
Dec 1981 78.0 40.8 70.5 6.0 41.5 153.8
Mar 1982 71.1 38.3 72.8 6.4 42.7 145.9
Jun 1982 71.0 38.7 75.3 6.8 44.0 147.8
Sep 1982 75.3 42.4 78.2 7.2 46.7 156.4
Dec 1982 73.3 44.1 81.1 7.6 49.4 156.7
Mar 1983 76.5 47.8 84.1 8.0 52.0 164.4
Jun 1983 87.3 54.8 87.0 8.5 54.7 182.9
Sep 1983 100.8 63.0 87.9 8.9 56.4 204.2
Dec 1983 109.2 69.5 88.8 9.3 58.1 218.7
Mar 1984 106.0 70.7 89.7 9.7 59.8 216.3
Jun 1984 99.1 70.7 90.6 10.1 61.4 209.1
Sep 1984 111.2 75.4 93.6 11.3 65.7 225.8
Dec 1984 111.6 75.8 96.6 12.5 69.9 226.6
Mar 1985 122.6 80.4 99.5 13.7 74.1 242.1
Jun 1985 109.8 74.8 102.5 14.9 78.4 223.6
Sep 1985 150.9 93.8 98.8 17.2 82.2 278.5
Dec 1985 155.7 98.2 95.1 19.4 85.9 282.5
Mar 1986 168.7 106.1 91.4 20.1 90.0 296.3
Jun 1986 177.4 113.2 87.6 23.9 93.5 308.6
Sep 1986 188.0 119.6 86.7 27.0 102.2 319.1
Dec 1986 215.9 133.9 85.7 28.8 104.2 360.1
Mar 1987 243.8 147.9 84.7 32.5 107.7 401.2
Jun 1987 232.4 146.4 83.7 35.7 122.6 375.6
Sep 1987 295.0 174.9 86.3 42.2 126.2 472.2
Dec 1987 235.5 149.9 88.9 41.3 123.9 391.7
Mar 1988 227.0 147.8 91.5 41.5 124.7 383.1
Jun 1988 253.2 162.4 94.2 45.2 134.9 420.1
Sep 1988 251.6 162.5 102.4 46.8 144.3 419.0
Dec 1988 248.0 162.7 110.7 48.0 146.0 423.4
Mar 1989 252.5 165.9 119.0 51.9 153.0 436.3
Jun 1989 267.9 174.9 127.3 55.2 163.5 461.8
Sep 1989 303.8 196.2 129.2 59.4 175.1 513.5
Dec 1989 294.7 198.5 131.1 59.2 179.1 504.4
Mar 1990 285.5 200.0 132.9 63.3 183.8 497.9
Jun 1990 296.4 212.2 134.8 61.7 180.5 524.6
Table 3: Dwelling Wealth
  Number of Dwellings Completed Residual
Net Change in Stock Total Stock Dwelling Prices Value of Dwellings $ million
Mar 1980 27,465 2,400 25,065 5,024,917 38,796 194,944
Jun 1980 30,653 2,400 28,253 5,053,170 40,581 205,063
Sep 1980 30,890 2,400 28,490 5,081,660 41,793 212,378
Dec 1980 34,660 2,400 32,260 5,113,920 43,041 220,110
Mar 1981 28,560 2,400 26,160 5,140,080 45,789 235,357
Jun 1981 31,370 2,400 28,970 5,169,050 47,548 245,777
Sep 1981 34,080 2,400 31,680 5,200,730 47,217 245,565
Dec 1981 36,130 2,400 33,730 5,234,460 49,134 257,188
Mar 1982 28,450 2,400 26,050 5,260,510 48,938 257,438
Jun 1982 30,320 2,400 27,920 5,288,430 50,556 267,360
Sep 1982 31,370 2,400 28,970 5,317,400 49,808 264,852
Dec 1982 30,300 2,400 27,900 5,345,300 49,808 266,241
Mar 1983 30,690 2,400 28,290 5,373,590 50,929 273,671
Jun 1983 22,400 2,400 20,000 5,393,590 52,558 283,478
Sep 1983 25,620 2,400 23,220 5,416,810 52,245 283,000
Dec 1983 29,680 2,400 27,280 5,444,090 54,308 295,660
Mar 1984 25,280 2,400 22,880 5,466,970 56,220 307,353
Jun 1984 30,130 2,400 27,730 5,494,700 58,096 319,217
Sep 1984 32,080 2,400 29,680 5,524,380 59,471 328,540
Dec 1984 35,630 2,400 33,230 5,557,610 59,166 328,819
Mar 1985 29,550 2,400 27,150 5,584,760 60,632 338,614
Jun 1985 31,590 2,400 29,190 5,613,950 61,706 346,416
Sep 1985 33,900 2,400 31,500 5,645,450 61,651 348,046
Dec 1985 36,290 2,400 33,890 5,679,340 64,133 364,235
Mar 1986 27,480 2,400 25,080 5,704,420 64,663 368,868
Jun 1986 28,880 2,400 26,480 5,730,900 62,406 357,642
Sep 1986 28,330 2,400 25,930 5,756,830 63,473 365,401
Dec 1986 28,230 2,400 25,830 5,782,660 63,718 368,458
Mar 1987 24,350 2,400 21,950 5,804,610 63,744 370,010
Jun 1987 25,300 2,400 22,900 5,827,510 64,713 377,115
Sep 1987 24,770 2,400 22,370 5,849,880 67,260 393,462
Dec 1987 28,450 2,400 26,050 5,875,930 71,058 417,530
Mar 1988 25,070 2,400 22,670 5,898,600 82,757 488,153
Jun 1988 29,300 2,400 26,900 5,925,500 89,648 531,211
Sep 1988 31,530 2,400 29,130 5,954,630 98,759 588,072
Dec 1988 38,900 2,400 36,500 5,991,130 107,364 643,230
Mar 1989 31,510 2,400 29,110 6,020,240 110,784 666,946
Jun 1989 37,450 2,400 35,050 6,055,290 115,184 697,470
Sep 1989 39,470 2,400 37,070 6,092,360 115,325 702,600
Dec 1989 41,760 2,400 39,360 6,131,720 116,816 716,281
Mar 1990 33,020 2,400 30,620 6,162,340 116,388 717,221
Jun 1990 33,050 2,400 30,650 6,192,990 119,715 741,396
Chart 3: Dwelling and Business Wealth
(Log Scale)
Chart 3: Dwelling and Business Wealth

The contributions of dwelling wealth and business wealth to total wealth fell slightly between June 1980 and June 1985 (51 per cent to 50 per cent and 33 per cent to 32 per cent respectively). Between June 1985 and June 1990, the contribution of dwelling wealth rose to 52 per cent and that of business wealth to 37 per cent.


The sample of large non-mining, non-finance companies holds both equipment and NDC. The aggregate market value to historic cost ratio is essentially a weighted average of ratios for each type of asset. If the individual ratios for the two asset types differ, then the split between columns 1 and 2 of Table 2 will be incorrect. For example, if the ratio for NDC is higher than that for equipment, then the estimate of equipment will be overstated and that of NDC understated. However, the total of the two columns should not be affected. [16]