RDP 9208: Credit Supply and Demand and the Australian Economy Appendix C: Order of Integration Tests

The following tables contain the results of testing for the order of integration of each variable. A variable is said to be integrated of order j if, after differenceing j times, the variable is stationary. Two tests of stationarity are reported – the ADF test and the Z test.

The ADF test is the Augmented Dickey Fuller test. The following regression is estimated:

where k is the number of lags in the autocorrelation correction. The significance of the constant (α) and the time trend (ϕ) is tested by comparing their t-statistics with the critical values presented in Dickey and Fuller (1981). If appropriate, either or both of these variables are eliminated and the regression is re-estimated. The t-statistic on β is then compared with the critical values given by Fuller (1976) .

Z is the test proposed in Phillips (1987). This test involves making non parametric adjustments to the ADF test. For both tests a significant result indicates stationarity.

Sample Period: December 1982 – June 1991; Monthly Data Autocorrelation Correction = 12 Lags
  Constant Trend ADF Z
Level of:
Overdraft Rate 3.709* 0.624 −3.703* −2.439*
(Log of) Business Credit 2.629* −1.61 −2.621 −2.331*
Expected Inflation 1.752 −0.249 −0.953 −1.898
Expected Investment −0.897 −0.357 −1.676 −1.339

* denotes significance at the 5 % level
** denotes significance at the 10 % level

Sample Period: December 1982 – June 1991; Monthly Data Autocorrelation Correction = 12 Lags
  Constant Trend ADF Z
Level of:
Price-Earnings Ratio Differential between the Loan Rate and the Weighted Cost of Funds 1.86
−1.0167 −1.49 −0.31 −2.254 −2.133 −2.393*
(Log of) Corporate Net Worth Banks' Share Prices 1.535
1.416 −0.902 −1.703 −1.877
(Log of) Broad Money plus Banks' Capital 1.417 2.132 0.433 −1.296
Differential between the Loan Rate and the CD Rate −1.658
Differential between the Loan Rate and the Mortgage Rate 1.993
Relative Bank Share Price Variance 1.895 0.76 −0.246 −1.108
First Difference of:
Overdraft Rate
(Log of) Business Credit
−1.183 −2.768** −2.06** −1.31 −6.335* −9.048*
Expected Inflation −0.605 −0.49 −3.117* −6.157*
Expected Investment −0.559 −0.793 −2.4* −3.923*
Price-Earnings Ratio −0.14 −0.324 −3.068* −11.608*
Differential between the Loan −0.118 −0.604 −2.841* −8.875*
Rate and the Weighted Cost of Funds
(Log of) Corporate Net Worth Banks' Share Prices 1.351 −0.105 −1.274
−2.022* −2.89* −9.125* −6.924*
(Log of) Broad Money plus Banks' Capital 0.6139 −1.359 −0.946 −8.918*
Differential between the Loan Rate and the CD Rate 0.411

* denotes significance at the 5 % level
** denotes significance at the 10 % level

Sample Period: December 1982 – June 1991; Monthly Data Autocorrelation Correction = 12 Lags
  Constant Trend ADF Z
First difference of:
Differential between the Loan Rate and the Mortgage Rate −0.055 −0.436 −2.231* −6.664*
Relative Bank Share Price Variance 0.2 0.643 −2.112* −2.721*
Second Difference of:
(Log of) Business Credit 2.646 −2.712** −3.726* −44.797*
(Log of) Broad Money plus Banks' Capital −0,704 −1.293 −3.709* −23.242*
Sample Period: December 1976 – December 1991; Quarterly Data Autocorrelation Correction = 5 Lags
  Constant Trend ADF Z
Level of:
(Log of) Business Credit 1.997 2.3301 −2.338* 0.211
(Log of) AFI Credit 1.503 2.449** −0.146 0.794
(Log of) Nominal Investment 1.702 1.806 −0.692 −1.390
(Log of) Total GDP 1.698 2.241 0.857 0.039
The Loan Rate 3.947* 1.955 −3.357*
First Difference of:
(Log of) Business Credit 0.67 −1.09 −1.257 −1.486
(Log of) AFI Credit 1.326 0.189 −1.215 −1.589
(Log of) Nominal Investment −0.157 −1.373 −1.007 −5.989*
(Log of) Total GDP 1.64 −0.135 −0.743 −5.259*
The Loan Rate 0.171 −1.257 −3.156*

* denotes significance at the 5 % level
** denotes significance at the 10 % level

Sample Period: December 1976 – December 1991; Quarterly Data Autocorrelation Correction = 5 Lags
  Constant Trend ADF Z
Second Difference of:
(Log of) Business Credit −0.703 −1.683 −0.835 −8.277*
(Log of) AFI Credit −0.528 −1.287 −1.234 −7.669*
(Log of) Nominal Investment −0.697 −1.161 −3.655* −25.748*
(Log of) Total GDP −0.142 1.097 −3.799* −22.148*

* denotes significance at the 5 % level
** denotes significance at the 10 % level