RDP 9502: Price Stickiness and Inflation Appendix 1: Statistical Test: Are Price Falls Special?
March 1995
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Define Δpt as the economy-wide average change in producer prices in
period t.Then define zt= 1 (−1)
if the proportion of industries with price falls in period t is lower (higher) than the
proportion with price rises greater than 2Δpt. Finally, define
Z = (z1+K+ZT)/T.
Under the null hypothesis that price falls are as likely as price rises greater than
2Δpt, and that price changes in each period are independent, it is
straightforward to show that E(Z) = 0 and Va r(Z) = 1 / T.
It follows from the central limit theorem that is (approximately)
a standard normal variable. For our sample of quarterly price changes, T = 87,
Z = 5 / 87 and hence
which is insignificantly different
from zero. Hence, we accept the null hypothesis.