RDP 9804: Stylised Facts of the Australian Labour Market Data Appendix

All data is sourced from ABS Cat. No. 6203.0 Labour Force Australia except for the following:

  • Data on labour force status by educational attainment is sourced from ABS Cat. No. 6227.0 Transition from Education to Work and ABS Cat. No. 6235.0 Labour Force Status and Educational Attainment.
  • The long-run unemployment series in Figure 1 is sourced from Butlin (1977).

All data is seasonally adjusted except for the data on labour market status by age and the data on the average duration of unemployment.

The data in Figure 1 is financial year averages. The data in Figures 2 to 6 is calendar year averages. Figure 7 uses annual May observations, as does Figure 8 after 1989; before then February observations are used. Figures 9 to 11 use December observations, while Figures 12 and 13 use monthly data.