RDP 2008-07: A Medium-scale Open Economy Model of Australia Appendix B: The Linearised Model

This Appendix presents the full log-linearised model. Hat symbols on variables denote the log-deviations from steady-state values Inline Equation. Lower-case letters indicate that variables have been normalised with the trend level of technology, that is, Inline Equation Variables with no time subscript refer to steady-state values.

Nominal domestic, import and export prices are governed by Calvo (1983) contracts, augmented by indexation to the last period's inflation and the current (domestic) inflation target. The implied inflation dynamics are given by the following Phillips curve(s):

where s distinguishes between domestic (d), imported consumption (mc), imported investment (mi) and exported final domestic (x) goods sectors. Inline Equation, Inline Equation and Inline Equation denote the current perceived inflation target, firms' real marginal costs, and the time-varying shocks to the desired mark-ups in sector s, respectively. Parameters ρπ, β, ξs and κs are the persistence of the inflation target shock; the discount factor; the Calvo parameter (that is, the probability that the firm is not allowed to re-optimise in period t); and the indexation parameter, respectively. If the indexation parameter κs is 0, the Phillips curve is purely forward-looking; and if κs = 1, prices are fully indexed to last period's inflation.

Marginal costs (Inline Equation) for domestic firms are given by

where Inline Equation is the real rental rate of capital. This is derived from firms' optimal conditions (total payments for capital services should equal costs of hiring labour each period) and the assumption that firms finance part of their wage bill with funds borrowed one period prior (at Inline Equation). Marginal cost is also a function of the labour input Inline Equation; capital services Inline Equation; the real wage Inline Equation; and the gross effective nominal rate of interest rate paid by firms Inline Equation. Finally, Inline Equation and Inline Equation denote the permanent and stationary technology shocks, respectively. Marginal costs for consumption and investment good importers are given by

where Inline Equation is the relative price observed by the domestic exporters Inline Equation is the relative price between the domestically produced goods and the foreign goods; and Inline Equation and Inline Equation are the relative prices of imported consumption and investment goods.

Nominal wages are also subject to the Calvo adjustment mechanism, with indexation to the last period's CPI inflation Inline Equation, the current (domestic) inflation target Inline Equation, and the steady-state growth rate of technology (Adolfson et al 2007 assume that wages are indexed to the current realisation of technology; see also Altig et al 2005). This yields an equation for the real wage Inline Equation:

where Inline Equation and Inline Equation denote the Lagrangian multiplier and labour supply shock, respectively. Inline Equation and Inline Equation are labour income and payroll taxes. Parameters in (B5) are defined as follows:

where: ξw is the Calvo wage parameter (that is, the probability that the household is not allowed to re-optimise its wage); λw is the wage mark-up; and σL is the elasticity of labour supply. Note that η12 and η13 do not appear in Adolfson et al (2007).

Households have habit formation in their preferences (captured by the parameter b). Because of this, the marginal utility of consumption depends on current, lagged and expected future levels of consumption. The equilibrium condition for household consumption, Inline Equation, is

where Inline Equation is the consumption preference shock and Inline Equation is a consumption tax.

The equilibrium condition for investment (it) is given by

where: Inline Equation,t is the hypothetical price of installed capital; Inline Equation denotes the investment-specific technology shock; and the parameter Inline Equation is the ‘slope’ of the investment adjustment cost function. The log-linearised version of households' money demand is given by

where: μ is the steady-state growth rate of money demand; and τk is a capital income tax. The log-linearised first-order condition for the physical stock of capital, Inline Equation , is

where δ is the rate of depreciation. The risk premium-adjusted uncovered interest rate parity condition is given by

It is assumed that the international financial markets are imperfectly integrated (holding foreign bonds carries a premium), under the specific modelling assumption that the net foreign asset position of the domestic economy Inline Equation and the risk premium shock Inline Equation enter into the parity condition (in which St is the nominal exchange rate; and Rt and Inline Equation denote the domestic and foreign nominal interest rates, respectively). The risk premium term is exogenous but the net asset position is an endogenous variable.

Current period resources can be consumed (domestically or exported), invested, or used to boost capital utilisation. The aggregate resource constraint can be written as

where: Inline Equation and Inline Equation are the relative price terms between the CPI and investment price indices to the domestic price level; Inline Equation is foreign output; Inline Equation is government expenditure; Inline Equation denotes commodity demand[15]; Inline Equation is an asymmetric technology shock; ωc is the share of imports in consumption; ωi is the share of imports in investment; and ηc (ηi) is the elasticity of substitution between foreign and domestic consumption (investment) goods. Finally, λd is the domestic steady-state mark-up over factors of production and α is the share of capital in the production function.

The stock of physical capital Inline Equation follows

The degree of capacity utilisation (the difference between the physical capital stock and capital services) Inline Equation is given by

where σa is the capital utilisation rate.

The money demand function (that is, cash holdings, q) is given by

where: Inline Equation is a (household) money demand shock (assumed to be zero) and σq is the cash-money ratio.

The following identity relates money growth Inline Equation to domestic inflation and changes in real growth

The loan market clearing condition is

where: ν is the fraction of intermediate good firms' wage bill that is to be financed in advance; and Inline Equation is a (firms') money demand shock (assumed to be zero).

The law of motion for net foreign assets, Inline Equation, is

where: Inline Equation is the relative price of commodities Inline Equation; and Inline Equation is the relative price between the home and foreign economy Inline Equation. The log-linearised relative prices are

where: Inline Equation is the relative price of imported consumption goods (with respect to domestic output price level); Inline Equation is the relative price of imported investment goods (to domestic output price level); Inline Equation is the price of (home) exports relative to foreign prices; and Inline Equation is the relative price of exports (in terms of foreign currency).

Monetary policy is modelled according to the following reaction function

The short-term interest rate Inline Equation is therefore a function of lagged CPI inflation Inline Equation, output Inline Equation, the real exchange rate Inline Equation and a monetary policy shock (εR,t). The CPI inflation measure is model-consistent but ignores indirect taxes

Output is given by Inline Equation.

The real exchange rate is given by Inline Equation.

Finally, employment Inline Equation follows


It is assumed that commodity demand is completely inelastic. [15]