RDP 2008-08: The Role of International Shocks in Australia's Business Cycle Appendix A: Sign Restriction Algorithm
December 2008
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Define an (n × n) orthonormal rotation matrix Q such that:
where .
This provides a way of systematically exploring the space of all VMA representations
by searching over the range of values of θi,j. While
Canova and De Nicolo (2002) propose setting up a grid over the range of values
for θi,j, the following algorithm generates the
Qs randomly from a uniform distribution:
Estimate the VAR in Equation (10) using OLS to obtain the reduced form variance covariance
matrix V and compute
Compute the Choleski decomposition of
11 and
22, where H11 = chol(
11) and H22 = chol(
- For both the foreign and domestic block, draw a vector of θi,j from a uniform [0,π] distribution.
- Use the candidate rotation matrix Q to compute εt = HQet and its corresponding structural IRFs C(L) for domestic and foreign shocks.
- Check whether the IRFs satisfy all the sign restrictions described in Table 2. If so keep the draw, if not, drop the draw.
- Repeat (3)–(6) until 2,000 draws that satisfy the restrictions are found.