RDP 2009-03: Competition Between Payment Systems: Results Appendix A: Model Notation
April 2009
Variable | Description |
Consumer market segments (fractions) | |
Ωc | Set of all consumers |
Subset (fraction) of consumers who choose not to hold any cards | |
Subset (fraction) of consumers who choose to hold card i | |
Subset (fraction) of consumers who choose to hold card i but not card j | |
Subset (fraction) of consumers who choose to hold both cards i and j | |
Subset (fraction) of consumers who choose to hold both cards and who prefer to use card i over card j whenever merchants accept both | |
Merchant market segments (fractions) | |
Ωm | Set of all merchants |
Subset (fraction) of merchants that choose not to accept any cards | |
Subset (fraction) of merchants that choose to accept card i | |
Subset (fraction) of merchants that choose to accept card i but not card j | |
Subset (fraction) of merchants that choose to accept both cards i and j | |
Platform fees | |
Flat fee charged to consumers to subscribe to card i | |
The flat fee converted to per-transaction terms for a consumer in or (that is, the quantity /) | |
The flat fee converted to per-transaction terms for a consumer in (that is, the quantity ) | |
Per-transaction fee charged to merchants by platform i | |
Platform costs | |
ci | Cost incurred by platform i for each transaction processed over the platform |
gi | Flat cost to platform i of signing up each consumer |
Other | |
C (M) | Total number of consumers (merchants) |
τi | Maximum per-transaction benefit received by any consumer on platform i |
μi | Maximum per-transaction benefit received by any merchant on platform i |
Per-transaction benefit received by a given consumer on platform i | |
Per-transaction benefit received by a given merchant on platform i | |
Πi | Total profit earned by platform i |
Notes: For simplicity, where there is analogous notation for both platforms only that for platform i is shown. Consumer (merchant) market fractions represent the proportion of all consumers (merchants) that are members of the corresponding set. |