RDP 2019-06: The Effect of Mortgage Debt on Consumer Spending: Evidence from Household-level Data Appendix D: Variable Definitions

Table D1: Definition of Variables
Variable name Definition
Age group – young Dummy variable equal to 1 if the oldest person in the household is aged less than 30 years old, 0 otherwise
Age group – middle Dummy variable equal to 1 if the oldest person in the household is aged over 30 years old and under 50 years old, 0 otherwise
Age group – old Dummy variable equal to 1 if the oldest person in the household is aged over 50 years old, 0 otherwise
Employed Dummy variable equal to 1 if household reference person is employed, 0 otherwise
Unemployed Dummy variable equal to 1 if household reference person is unemployed, 0 otherwise
Not in the labour force Dummy variable equal to 1 if household reference person is not in the labour force, 0 otherwise
Casual worker Dummy variable equal to 1 if household reference person is a casual worker, 0 otherwise
Probability of losing job >0 Dummy variable equal to 1 if maximum subjective probability of a worker within the household losing their job is greater than 0, 0 otherwise
Became unemployed Dummy variable equal to 1 if household reference person became unemployed since last survey, 0 otherwise
Marital status Dummy variable equal to 1 if household reference person is married or in a de facto relationship, 0 otherwise
Number of adults Number of adults (≥15 years) in household
Number of children Number of children (<15 years) in household
Education – high school Dummy variable equal to 1 if household reference person's highest education attainment is year 10 or year 12, 0 otherwise
Education – TAFE/diploma Dummy variable equal to 1 if household reference person's highest education attainment is a TAFE certificate or diploma, 0 otherwise
Education – university Dummy variable equal to 1 if household reference person's highest education attainment is a bachelor degree or higher, 0 otherwise
Financial stress status Dummy variable equal to 1 if household answered yes to any of the seven financial stress questions (see La Cava and Simon (2003)), 0 otherwise
Hand-to-mouth status Dummy variable equal to 1 if household is classified as ‘hand-to-mouth’ (see KVW (2014)), 0 otherwise
Hand-to-mouth status (adjusted for prepayments) Dummy variable equal to 1 if household is classified as ‘hand-to-mouth’ (see KVW (2014)) and adjusted for mortgage prepayments, 0 otherwise
Behind mortgage repayments Dummy variable equal to 1 if household is behind or on schedule with their repayments, 0 otherwise
Gross household disposable income Dollar value of annual, after-tax household income
Non-durables spending Dollar value of all non-durable expenditure items collected by HILDA Survey (see footnote 4)
Durables spending Dollar value of durable expenditure items collected by HILDA Survey (see footnote 4)
Total spending Dollar value of durable and non-durable expenditure items collected by HILDA Survey (see footnote 4)
Mortgage debt Dollar value of owner-occupier mortgage debt owed by household
Housing equity Reported value of home less owner-occupier mortgage debt
Post-boom home purchase Dummy variable equal to 1 if a household purchased their home after the early 2000s housing price boom in the state of purchase (after 2001 in NSW, Vic and Qld and after 2002 in all other states and territories), 0 otherwise
Mortgage debt-to-income ratio Ratio of mortgage debt to gross household disposable income
Mortgage debt-servicing ratio Ratio of mortgage repayments to gross household disposable income
Mortgage debt-to-assets ratio Ratio of mortgage debt to reported value of home
Home value Reported value of home
Prepayment buffer Difference between scheduled (assuming a 25-year loan term) and actual mortgage balance
Global financial crisis Dummy variable equal to 1 if the year is 2009, 0 otherwise
Local housing price shock Dummy variable equal to 1 if annual average price of housing within postcode falls by more than 5 per cent, 0 otherwise
Local unemployment rate Unemployment rate in ABS Statistical Area 4
Local unemployment rate shock Dummy variable equal to 1 if local unemployment rate increased by more than 1 percentage point over the year, 0 otherwise