RDP 2024-03: Demand in the Repo Market: Indirect Perspectives from Open Market Operations from 2006 to 2020 Appendix B: Estimation of Demand Elasticity

To estimate the elasticity of demand, we assume the following specification:

(B1) ln( Q dt )=β b dt + Δ d + Δ t + ε ijt

where bdt is a bid rate (as a spread to OIS) and Qdt is the cumulative quantity bid for at that bid for term d on day t. Δ d and Δ t are term and day fixed effects.

Day fixed effects control for all that affects the quantity bid (for each term) equally in a given day, (e.g. quarter-end effects, the level of exchange settlement balances, risk aversion).

Term fixed effects control for any time-invariant term premia that may exist.

Because of this specification, the coefficient β does not vary across terms or time. Thus, we estimate the price elasticity of demand over a given period as:

η=β× b ^

where β is estimated using Equation (B1) and all observations over the period and b ^ is the mean cut-off rate calculated for the period.

Table B1: Descriptive Statistics and Estimation Output
  Mean cut-off rate as a spread to OIS
Mean quantity supplied Qdt
Estimated elasticity
Response to 1 per cent price change
2009–14 3.3 1,303 −0.5 7
2016–19 25.7 2,098 −2.9 61

Sources: Authors’ calculations; RBA