Research Discussion Paper – RDP 2024-09 The ‘Clean Energy Transition’ and the Cost of Job Displacement in Energy-intensive Industries
- Introduction
- Data
- Methodology
- Results
- Policy implications
- References
- Annex A. Copyright and Disclaimers Notices
This work was carried out under the supervision of Stefano Scarpetta (Director of the OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs) and Stéphane Carcillo (Head of the OECD Jobs and Income Division).
The paper benefitted from insights and helpful comments from Stefano Scarpetta, Stéphane Carcillo, Andrea Bassanini and Andrea Garnero (OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs), Emilia Soldani (OECD Economics Department) and several other OECD colleagues. The authors are grateful to delegates to the OECD Working Party on Employment and participants of the OECD Workshop on Greening Labour Markets (20 October 2023), the IEA workshop on Measuring Affordability and the Social Impacts of Clean Energy Transitions (28-29 March 2024), IZA/OECD workshop on Applications Using Linked Employer-Employee Data (9-10 April 2024) and IZA/OECD workshop on Climate Change and the Labour (25 April 2024).
The paper provides additional background to a chapter in OECD (2024[1]) on job displacement in high emission industries with respect to the methodology and the effects of job-displacement across energy-intensive sub-sectors (energy supply, heavy manufacturing and transport). It is part a broader OECD project that mobilises linked employer-employee data for cross-country research and policy analysis (LinkEED 2.0). For more details, please visit: