SafeNet installation and token information

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The following provide information on SafeNet installation and token information.

How to check if SafeNet is installed

  1. Look for the SafeNet Authentication Client icon (shown below) in the Windows Taskbar, which indicates that the SafeNet Authentication Client is installed and running.
  2. SafeNet icon.
    SafeNet icon.

If the SafeNet icon is not in the Windows Taskbar:

  1. Open the Start menu by selecting the Windows Icon (Windows Logo Icon).
  2. Search for an entry with the name: SafeNet Authentication Client and launch it.

If SafeNet is not installed, you may use the RITS Client Software Installer to install it, available from For more information please refer to the RITS Technical Information Paper.

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How to check if the SafeNet process is running

  1. Open the Windows Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Esc. That is, press all of the keys Ctrl, Shift and Escape on the keyboard at the same time.
  2. Under the Services tab look for an entry with the name: SACSrv and ensure the status is Running.
Windows Task Manager, Services tab, showing SACSrv service running.
Windows Task Manager, Services tab, showing SACSrv service running.
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How to use SafeNet Authentication Client tools to check tokens

  1. Open the SafeNet Authentication Client Tools either by:
  2. Click the gear icon to switch to the Advanced View.
  3. Expand the User certificates and CA certificates sections and click on the certificate to view more information.
SafeNet Authentication Client Tools window with one Token: RITS Token.
SafeNet Authentication Client Tools window with one Token: RITS Token.
SafeNet Authentication Client Tools window, Advanced view, showing certificates that are on the Token. Click on a certificate to view detailed information.
SafeNet Authentication Client Tools window, Advanced view, showing certificates that are on the Token. Click on a certificate to view detailed information.
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