2015/16 Assessment of ASX Clearing and Settlement Facilities A2.2 Austraclear Standard 4: Credit risk
A securities settlement facility should effectively measure, monitor and manage its credit exposures to participants and those arising from its settlement processes. A securities settlement facility should maintain sufficient financial resources to cover its credit exposure to each participant fully with a high degree of confidence.
Austraclear does not extend credit to participants or provide a settlement guarantee. Accordingly, Austraclear does not assume credit risk as principal.
The Bank has concluded that SSF Standard 4 does not apply to Austraclear.
4.1 A securities settlement facility should establish a robust framework to manage its credit exposures to its participants and the credit risks arising from its settlement processes. Credit exposures may arise from current exposures, potential future exposures, or both.
Not applicable to Austraclear.
4.2 A securities settlement facility should identify sources of credit risk, routinely measure and monitor credit exposures, and use appropriate risk management tools to control these risks. To assist in this process, a securities settlement facility should ensure it has the capacity to calculate exposures to participants on a timely basis as required, and to receive and review timely and accurate information on participants' credit standing.
Not applicable to Austraclear.
4.3 A securities settlement facility should have the authority to impose activity restrictions or additional credit risk controls on a participant in situations where the securities settlement facility determines that the participant's credit standing may be in doubt.
Not applicable to Austraclear.
4.4 A securities settlement facility should cover its current and, where they exist, potential future exposures to each participant fully with a high degree of confidence using collateral and other equivalent financial resources (see SSF Standard 5 on collateral). In the case of a deferred net settlement (DNS) securities settlement facility in which there is no settlement guarantee, but where its participants face credit exposures arising from its settlement processes, the facility should maintain, at a minimum, sufficient resources to cover the exposures of the two participants and their affiliates that would create the largest aggregate credit exposure in the system.
Not applicable to Austraclear.
4.5 A securities settlement facility should establish explicit rules and procedures that address fully any credit losses it may face as a result of any individual or combined default among its participants with respect to any of their obligations to the securities settlement facility. These rules and procedures should address how potentially uncovered credit losses would be allocated, including the repayment of any funds a securities settlement facility may borrow from liquidity providers. These rules and procedures should also indicate the securities settlement facility's process to replenish any financial resources that the securities settlement facility may employ during a stress event, so that the securities settlement facility can continue to operate in a safe and sound manner.
Not applicable to Austraclear.