Equal Employment Opportunity Annual Report – 1995 Appendix 3

Reserve Bank Of Australia: Statistical Data

Representation within Salary Ranges
June 1995
Number (Percentage of Total Staff)
Salary NESB1 NESB2 ATSI PWD Women Men Total Staff
Below $20,000 41 17 3 2 95 25 120
(35) (15) (3) (2) (79) (21)  
$20,000–$24,999 34 24 1 6 87 114 201
(17) (12) (1) (3) (43) (57)  
$25,000–$29,999 35 36 2 9 122 171 293
(13) (13) (1) (3) (42) (58)  
$30,000–$34,999 40 24 1 10 150 110 260
(16) (9)   (4) (58) (42)  
$35,000–$39,999 7 19 0 4 56 43 99
(7) (19)   (4) (57) (43)  
$40,000–$49,999 10 18 0 5 94 127 221
(5) (8)   (2) (43) (57)  
$50,000 and over 26 17 0 14 58 268 326
(8) (5)   (4) (18) (82)  
Total 193 155 7 50 662 858 1,520
(13) (11)   (3) (44) (56)  
Total staff, excluding NPA, Europe & US staff.
No. of staff without ATSI information: 49
No. of staff without NESB information: 45
No. of staff without PWD information: 51
NESB1 People from non-English speaking backgrounds
NESB2 People with parents from non-English speaking backgrounds
ATSI Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders
PWD People with disabilities
Representation within Salaried Classification Levels
June 1991 and June 1995
Number (Percentage of Total Staff)
Level NESB1 NESB2 ATSI PWD Women Men Total Staff
  1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995
L1 20 21 49 32 1 0 6 10 230 116 116 73 346 189
(6) (11) (14) (17)     (2) (5) (66) (61) (34) (39)    
L2 43 30 51 30 1 2 16 6 344 180 103 71 447 251
(10) (12) (12) (12)   (1) (4) (2) (77) (72) (23) (28)    
L3 9 20 28 34 0 0 12 8 203 140 153 121 356 261
(3) (8) (8) (13)     (3) (3) (57) (54) (43) (46)    
L4 20 19 14 16 0 0 13 7 72 68 208 160 280 228
(7) (8) (5) (7)     (5) (3) (26) (30) (74) (70)    
L5 6 7 5 8 0 0 7 7 9 19 98 87 107 106
(6) (7) (5) (8)     (7) (7) (8) (18) (92) (82)    
L6 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 5 5 44 41 49 46
(2) (2) (2)         (2) (10) (11) (90) (89)    
L7 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 16 16 16 17
(7)           (7)     (6) (100) (94)    
L8 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 8 8
    (14)               (100) (100)    
L1−8 Total 100 98 149 120 2 2 55 39 863 529 746 577 1,609 1,106
(6) (9) (9) (11)     (3) (4) (54) (48) (46) (52)    
Other Staff 134 95 39 35 5 5 23 11 186 133 389 281 575 414
(23) (23) (7) (8)     (4) (3) (32) (32) (68) (68)    
Total 234 193 188 155 7 7 78 50 1,049 662 1,135 858 2,184 1,520
(11) (13) (9) (11)     (4) (3) (48) (44) (52) (56)    
Total staff, excluding NPA, Europe & US staff.
Officers on the junior salary scale are included in Level 1.
  1991 1995
No. of staff without ATSI information: 25 49
No. of staff without NESB information: 31 45
No. of staff without PWD information: 27 51
NESB1 People from non-English speaking backgrounds
NESB2 People with parents from non-English speaking backgrounds
ATSI Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders
PWD People with disabilities
Representation within Occupational Groups
June 1991 and June 1995*
Number (Percentage of Total Staff)
Occupational Group NESB1 NESB2 ATSI PWD Women Men Total Staff
  1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995 1991 1995
Clerical/Admin 76 92 108 116 4 3 46 37 544 468 701 595 1,245 1,063
(6) (9) (9) (11)     (4) (4) (44) (44) (56) (56)    
Clerical Support 30 20 37 16     7 5 265 97 39 28 304 125
(10) (16) (12) (13)     (2) (4) (87) (78) (13) (22)    
Service/ Technical 128 81 43 23 3 4 25 8 240 97 395 235 635 332
(21) (26) (7) (7) (1) (1) (4) (3) (38) (29) (62) (71)    
Total 234 193 188 155 7 7 78 50 1,049 662 1,135 858 2,184 1,520
(11) (13) (9) (11)     (4) (3) (48) (44) (52) (56)  
Total staff, excluding NPA, Europe and US staff.
  1991 1995
No. of staff without ATSI information: 75 49
No. of staff without NESB information: 81 45
No. of staff without PWD information: 82 51
NESB1 People from non-English speaking backgrounds
NESB2 People with parents from non-English speaking backgrounds
ATSI Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders
PWD People with disabilities
Clerical/Admin Managerial, professional, clerical, EDP, banking
Clerical Support Keyboard, records, communications, publications
Service/Technical Catering, building security and maintenance, health services, printing and associated trades and non-trades
Year To June
Occupational Group NESB1 NESB2 ATSI PWD Women Men Total Staff
  94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95
Clerical/Admin 11 21 18 19 4 2 1 4 35 62 51 79 86 141
Clerical Support 0 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 2 11 3 5 5 16
Service/Technical 4 8 3 6 0 0 0 1 14 31 16 21 30 52
Total 15 31 21 26 5 2 2 5 51 104 70 105 121 209
Figures are based on total staff recruitment, excluding NPA, Europe & US staff
Resignations & Retirements
Year To June
Number (Percentage of Total Staff)
Occupational Group NESB1 NESB2 ATSI PWD Women Men Total Staff
  94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95
Clerical/Admin 8 18 22 36 1 4 3 5 90 144 75 131 165 275
(5) (7) (14) (13) (1) (1) (2) (2) (55) (52) (45) (48)    
Clerical Support 1 1 2 4 0 1 0 1 26 30 3 2 29 32
(3) (3) (7) (13)   (3)   (3) (90) (94) (10) (6)    
Service/Technical 5 9 7 7 0 1 1 3 18 30 33 52 51 82
(10) (12) (15) (9)   (1) (2) (4) (35) (37) (65) (63)    
Total 14 28 31 47 1 6 4 9 134 204 111 185 245 389
(6) (7) (13) (12)   (2) (2) (2) (55) (52) (45) (48)    
Figures are based on total staff resignations & retirements, voluntary redundancies & early retirements, excluding NPA, Europe & US staff.
NESB1 People from non-English speaking backgrounds
NESB2 People with parents from non-English speaking backgrounds
ATSI Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders
PWD People with disabilities
Clerical/Admin Managerial, professional, clerical, EDP, banking
Clerical Support Keyboard, records, communications, publications
Service/Technical Catering, building security and maintenance, health services, printing and associated trades and non-trades
Year To June
Occupational Group NESB1 NESB2 ATSI PWD Women Men Total Staff
  94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95 94 95
Clerical/Admin 5 13 15 16 0 1 3 0 42 77 64 81 106 158
Clerical Support 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 2 5 7
Service/Technical 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 12 6 15 6
Total 8 14 17 16 0 1 4 0 50 82 76 89 126 171
Figures are based on total staff promotions, excluding NPA, Europe & US staff.
NESB1 People from non-English speaking backgrounds
NESB2 People with parents from non-English speaking backgrounds
ATSI Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders
PWD People with disabilities
Clerical/Admin Managerial, professional, clerical, EDP, banking
Clerical Support Keyboard, records, communications, publications
Service/Technical Catering, building security and maintenance, health services, printing and associated trades and non-trades
Average Incomes
$ (Ratios*)
  NESB1 NESB2 ATSI PWD Women Men Total Staff
Jun 1991 23,226 26,417 17,979 31,473 25,194 34,299 29,926
(78) (88) (60) (105) (84) (115)  
Jun 1995 29,326 33,147 22,449 38,695 31,666 43,589 38,396
(76) (86) (58) (101) (82) (114)  
Figures are based on total staff, excluding NPA, Europe & US staff.
* Ratio of average income for each group to average income of total staff.
NESB1 People from non-English speaking backgrounds
NESB2 People with parents from non-English speaking backgrounds
ATSI Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders
PWD People with disabilities