Equity & Diversity Annual Report – 2009 Foreword
The Reserve Bank aims to ensure that all staff are treated with dignity and respect in the workplace, and experience equal opportunity throughout their careers with the Bank. To help achieve this, the Equity & Diversity Policy Committee devoted considerable efforts this past year to the development of the RBA's Diversity Plan 2009–2011, the eighth such Plan. It sets out a number of new diversity initiatives that the RBA will seek to progress over the next few years. In particular, the Plan aims to promote a better understanding of the issues related to work/life balance, the factors influencing the career experience of women and the needs of a maturing workforce. It is hoped that by doing so, this will assist the RBA in its workforce planning. The Plan also identifies further opportunities to improve the accessibility of the Bank's computing systems and information and building facilities for both staff and the broader community. Other notable initiatives over the past year have included changes in Bank policies in support of more flexible work arrangements for staff and the introduction of a diversity awareness seminar series.

Keith Hall
Equity & Diversity Policy Committee