Payments System Board Annual Report – 2004 Reference Material
ATM Industry Working Group, Discussion paper: direct charging for ‘foreign’ automatic teller machine (ATM) transactions in Australia, Sydney, March 2003
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Draft determination in relation to the collective setting of EFTPOS interchange fees, Canberra, 8 August 2003
Australian Competition Tribunal, Re EFTPOS interchange fees agreement [2004] ACompT 7, Melbourne, 25 May 2004
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, Guidelines on authorisation of specialist credit card institutions, Sydney, August 2003
Bank for International Settlements, Payment systems in Australia, Basel, June 1999
Bank for International Settlements, Retail payments in selected countries: a comparative study, Basel, September 1999
Bank for International Settlements, Clearing and settlement arrangements for retail payments in selected countries, Basel, September 2000
Bank for International Settlements, Core principles for systemically important payment systems, Basel, January 2001
Bank for International Settlements, Policy issues for central banks in retail payments, Basel, March 2003
Bank for International Settlements, Statistics on payment and settlement systems in selected countries, figures for 2002, Basel, March 2004
Bank for International Settlements and International Organization of Securities Commissions, Recommendations for securities settlement systems, Basel, November 2001
Bank for International Settlements and International Organisations of Securities Commissions, Recommendations for central counterparties, Basel, March 2004
EFTPOS Industry Working Group, Discussion paper: Options for EFTPOS interchange fee reform, Sydney, July 2002
Executives' Meeting of East Asia-Pacific Central Banks and Monetary Authorities (EMEAP), Payments systems in EMEAP economies, July 2002
Financial System Inquiry, Final report, AGPS, Canberra, March 1997
Reserve Bank of Australia and Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, Debit and Credit Card Schemes in Australia: A Study of Interchange Fees and Access, Sydney, October 2000
Reserve Bank of Australia, Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia, I A Consultation Document, II Commissioned Report, III Submissions Received (Volumes I and II), Sydney, December 2001
Reserve Bank of Australia, Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia, IV Final Reforms and Regulation Impact Statement, Sydney, August 2002
Reserve Bank of Australia, Financial Stability Standards for Central Counterparties and Securities Settlement Facilities, Sydney, May 2003
Reserve Bank of Australia, ‘The Changing Australian Retail Payments Landscape’, Bulletin, Sydney, July 2003
Reserve Bank of Australia, Reform of Credit Card Schemes in Australia – Access Regime, Media Release, 23 February 2004
Reserve Bank of Australia, ‘Merchant Service Fees for Credit Cards’, Bulletin, Sydney, July 2004
Reserve Bank of Australia, Designation of the EFTPOS System – Reasons for the Decision to Designate the EFTPOS Payment System, Media release, 14 October 2004