Payments System Board Annual Report – 2009 The Board's Decisions and Reserve Bank Reports

This section lists developments since mid 2008. The Payments System Board's 2006 Annual Report contained a list of the Board's decisions and related Bank reports up to that time. Subsequent Reports have contained an annual update.


Media Release 2008-16, ‘Reform of Australia's Payments System: Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review’ (Announcing the release of the conclusions of the extensive review of the payments system reforms undertaken by the Board), 26 September 2008.

Reform of Australia's Payments System: Conclusions of the 2007/08 Review, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, September 2008.

Media Release 2008-24, ‘2007/08 Assessment of Australia's Clearing and Settlement Facilities and Consultation on Variation of the Financial Stability Standards’ (Announcing the results of the Bank's 2007/08 assessment of Australia's licensed clearing and settlement facilities against the Financial Stability Standards and the release of consultation documents regarding its proposals to modify the Financial Stability Standard for Securities Settlement Facilities to improve transparency in the equities securities lending market and the Financial Stability Standard for Central Counterparties to establish a framework for regulation of overseas central counterparties), 24 October 2008.

2007/08 Assessment of Clearing and Settlement Facilities in Australia, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, October 2008.

Consultation on Variation of the Financial Stability Standard for Securities Settlement Facilities: Disclosure of Equities Securities Lending, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, October 2008.

Consultation on Variation of the Financial Stability Standard for Central Counterparties: Oversight of Overseas Facilities, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, October 2008.

Media Release 2008-28, ‘Payments System Reform’ (Announcing the designation by the Bank of the Australian ATM system and the release of a consultation document setting out a draft Access Regime; the Board's decision to vary the interchange fee Standards for the MasterCard and Visa credit card systems, the Visa Debit system and the EFTPOS system to allow the Bank to waive or suspend the requirement to recalculate the benchmarks for interchange fees (and its approval of a waiver for the 2009 recalculation); and the continuation of discussions between the Bank and PayPal regarding merchant restrictions), 10 December 2008.

Access Regime for the ATM System: A Consultation Document, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, December 2008.


Media Release 2009-03, ‘Payments System Issues’ (Announcing the release of an Access Regime for the ATM system; the introduction of variations to the Financial Stability Standard for Securities Settlement Facilities and the Financial Stability Standard for Central Counterparties along the lines proposed in October 2008; and the outcome of the Bank's discussions with PayPal on merchant restrictions), 24 February 2009.

An Access Regime for the ATM System, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, February 2009.

Disclosure of Equities Securities Lending, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, February 2009.

Review of Participation Requirements in Central Counterparties, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, March 2009.

The Introduction of Direct Charging for ATMs, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, April 2009.

Media Release 2009-10, ‘Payments System Issues’ (Announcing the release of a consultation document on assessing sufficient equivalence of regulation of clearing and settlement facilities; the imminent release of a survey of the OTC derivatives market in Australia; and the Board's view on industry progress in meeting the necessary conditions for the removal of interchange regulation), 20 May 2009.

Consultation on Assessing Sufficient Equivalence, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, May 2009.

Joint Media Release, ‘Report Released Today: Survey of the OTC Derivatives Market in Australia’ (Announcing the release of a survey of the OTC derivatives market in Australia, undertaken by a group comprising APRA, ASIC and the Bank), 22 May 2009.

Survey of the OTC Derivatives Market in Australia, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, May 2009.

Media Release 2009-18, ‘Payments System Reform’ (Announcing the Board's decision to continue interchange regulation as industry progress was insufficient to warrant its removal; and the Board's intention to consult on removing the difference in the regulatory treatment of the scheme debit and EFTPOS systems), 26 August 2009.