Payments System Board Annual Report – 2009 List of graphs
Graph 1: Value of ATM Withdrawals and Household Consumption
Graph 2: Value of ATM Withdrawals
Graph 3: Non-cash Payments per Capita
Graph 4: Number of Card Payments
Graph 5: Value of Debit Card Purchases
Graph 6: Credit and Charge Card Activity
Graph 7: Credit and Charge Card Balances
Graph 8: Non-cash Payments – International
Graph 9: Credit and Debit Card Payments per Capita
Graph 10: Merchant Service Fees
Graph 11: Credit Card Interest Rates
Graph 12: Merchants Surcharging Credit Cards
Graph 13: Merchants with No Surcharging Plans
Graph 14: Fraud Rates on Australian Payments
Graph 15: Credit and Charge Card Fraud on Australian-issued Cards
Graph 16: SFE Futures Initial Margin
Graph 17: ASX Options Margin Interval
Graph 18: Rate of Initial Fails and Settlements Rescheduled to Next Settlement Day
Graph 19: RTGS Transactions
Graph 20: ES Account Opening Balances
Graph 21: Extensions to RITS Operating Hours
Graph 22: Composition of ATM Withdrawals
Graph 23: Cash Equities Trades
Graph 24: All Ordinaries Volatility
Graph 25: DVP Transactions in Austraclear
Graph 26: Margins