Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1996 Financial Statements Balance Sheet

As at 30 June 1996

40,000 Capital   40,000
593,890 Reserve Bank Reserve Fund (Notes 1(e), 3) 643,890  
2,855,699 Reserve for Contingencies and General Purposes (Notes 1(e), 3) 2,955,699  
6,181,165 Asset revaluation reserves (Notes 1(e), 3) 3,606,344 7,205,933
9,670,754 Capital and reserves   7,245,933
18,538,071 Australian notes on issue   19,181,932
  Deposits by:    
3,545,298 Non-callable deposits 3,922,379  
4,043 Other 9,169  
  Government and government instrumentalities:    
2,616,634 Commonwealth 2,562,281  
100,441 State 205,230  
551,185 Foreign governments, foreign institutions and international organisations 569,450  
79,959 Other depositors 50,475 7,318,984
59,092 Special Reserve – International Monetary Fund Special Drawing Rights (Note 4)   15,168
  Other liabilities:    
1,572,064 Profit distribution payable to Commonwealth of Australia 2,135,807  
59,137 Provisions (Notes 1(f), 5) 64,841  
53,181 Other (Note 7) 34,412 2,235,060
36,849,859 Total   35,997,077
  Gold and foreign exchange (Note 1(b)):    
4,315,735 Gold 3,825,366  
15,115,934 Foreign exchange 14,618,247 18,443,613
  Commonwealth Government securities (Note 1(c)):    
945,491 Treasury notes 3,622,958  
14,749,347 Other securities 11,943,244 15,566,202
90,208 Loans, advances and bills discounted   98,514
261,296 Bank premises and other durable assets (Notes 1(d), 6)   258,699
1,177,019 Clearing items (remittances in transit, cheques and bills of other banks) (Note 8)   1,371,785
71,531 Australian notes and coin   79,778
123,298 Other assets (Note 9)   178,486
36,849,859 Total   35,997,077
Signature of B.W. FRASER

Chairman, Reserve Bank Board – 6 August 1996