Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1999 Financial Statements
as at 30 June 1999
- Balance Sheet
- Profit and Loss Appropriation Statement
- Note 1: Summary of Accounting Policies
- Note 2: Net Profits
- Note 3: Interest Revenue and Iterest Expense
- Note 4: Reserves
- Note 5: Cash and Liquid Assets
- Note 6: Other Assets
- Note 7: Property, Plant and Equipment
- Note 8: Due to Other Financial Institutions
- Note 9: Deposits
- Note 10: Other Liabilities Provisions
- Note 11: Contingent Liabilities and Other Items Not Included in the Balance Sheet
- Note 12: Special Redundancy/Retirement Payments
- Note 13: Remuneration of Executives
- Note 14: Remuneration of Auditor
- Note 15: Related Party and Other Disclosures
- Note 16: Superannuation Funds
- Note 17: Segment Reporting
- Note 18: Financial Istruments
- Note 19: Cash Flow Statement
- Directors' Statement
- Independent Audit Report