Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1999 Financial Statements Note 7

Note 7 – Property, Plant and Equipment (Note 1(f))

1999 $M 1998 $M
Opening balance 244 239
Disposals (2) (7)
242 232
Depreciation prior to revaluation (7) (7)
Book valuation prior to revaluation 235 225
Net revaluation adjustments (Note 4) 19
As at 30 June 235 244
The triennial revaluation of Bank properties
occurred at 30 June 1998.
Plant and equipment
Opening balance 103 98
Additions less disposals (10) 5
93 103
Accumulated depreciation (63) (73)
As at 30 June 30 30
Total property, plant and equipment 265 274