Reserve Bank of Australia Annual Report – 1999 Financial Statements Balance Sheet

As at 30 June 1999
Reserve Bank of Australia and controlled entities

Note 1999 $M 1998 $M
Cash and liquid assets 5, 19 587 369
Domestic government securities 1(d), 18 21,633 21,012
Foreign exchange 1(c), 18 25,370 24,198
Gold 1(b), 18 1,013 1,237
Loans, advances and bills discounted   76 95
Other assets 6 129 125
Property, plant and equipment 7 265 274
Total   49,073 47,310
Due to other financial institutions 8 5
Deposits 9 10,383 11,073
Profit distribution payable to Commonwealth   3,676 2,726
Other liabilities 10 4,225 2,027
Australian notes on issue 1(i) 23,552 21,651
Capital and Reserves
Unrealised Profits Reserve 4 2,349
Asset revaluation reserves 4 1,045 1,287
Reserve for Contingencies and General Purposes 4 3,323 3,323
Reserve Bank Reserve Fund 4 2,829 2,829
Capital   40 40
Capital and reserves   7,237 9,828
Total   49,073 47,310