RBA Annual Conference – 1994 International Integration of the Australian Economy

Editors: Philip Lowe and Jacqueline Dwyer
A volume, containing the conference papers and discussions, was published on 7 September 1994.
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As in previous years, a range of prominent international and Australian academic and policy economists participated in the 1994 conference. Two papers for the conference were written by members of the Bank's Economic Group, while another was written jointly with an international policy economist, Henry Ergas from the John F Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Three papers were written by international economists, one by a policy economist, Kazuhiko Ishida from The Bank of Japan, and two by academic economists, Robert Lawrence of Harvard University and Susan Collins of the Brookings Institution and Georgetown University. The remaining two papers were written by Australian economists, one by a policy economist, John Howe from the Bureau of Industry Economics, and the other by an academic economist, Steve Dowrick from the Australian National University.