RDP 7904: Some Aspects of RBA76 and RBF1 Appendix A. Model Specification for RBA76

1. Household expenditure, demand for money

2. Proportional change capital stock

3. Proportional change in employment, normal output

4. Exports

5. Imports, desired inventories, and sales

6. Output of goods

7. Price of output

8. Price of government current expenditure

9. Price of exports

10. Average weekly earnings

11. Labour supply

(1.5) Private final consumption expenditure on rent (including imputed rent)

(1.6) Private gross fixed capital expenditure on dwellings

(1.7) Dwelling construction time, ratio

(1.8) Private dwelling commencements

(1.9) Private gross fixed capital expenditure on other building

(1.10) Private gross fixed capital expenditure on equipment


(2.1) Increase in stocks – private non-farm desired sales

(2.2) Imports of endogenous goods

(2.3) Stock valuation adjustment for private non-farm stocks


(3.1) Award wages: minimum weekly wage rate, adult males Pre-indexation

(3.2) Implicit deflator for private final consumption expenditure on household durables

(3.3) Implicit deflator for private final consumption expenditure on motor vehicles

(3.4) Implicit deflator for private final consumption expenditure on other non-durables

(3.5) Implicit deflator for private final consumption expenditure on rent (including imputed rent)

(3.6) Implicit deflator for private gross fixed capital expenditure on dwellings

(3.7) Implicit deflator for private gross fixed capital expenditure on other buildings and construction

(3.8) Implicit deflator for private gross fixed capital expenditure on equipment

(3.9) Implicit deflator for government final consumption expenditure

(3.10) Implicit deflator for government fixed capital expenditure

(3.11) Implicit deflator for the level of private non-farm stocks

(3.12) Implicit deflator for home consumption of farm goods

(3.13) Consumer price index

(3.14) Price expectations


(4.1) Wage and salary earners in civilian non-farm employment

(4.2) Registered vacancies

(4.3) Unemployment: registered applicants


(5.1) Net apparent private capital inflow


(6.1) Trading bank fixed deposits held by the non-bank private sector

(6.2) Certificates of deposit held by the non-bank private sector

(6.3) Savings banks deposits held by the non-bank private sector

(6.4) Building society deposits held by the non-bank private sector

(6.5) Government securities held by the non-bank private sector

(6.6) Notes and coin held by the non-bank private sector

(1.6.7) Advances by trading banks

(6.8) Mortgage approvals by trading banks

(6.9) Notes and coin held by trading banks

(6.10) Certificates of deposit supply response

(6.11) Mortgage approvals by savings banks

(6.12) Notes and coin held by savings banks

(6.13) Advances of building societies

(6.14) Mortgage approvals by building societies

(6.15) Theoretical yield on Commonwealth Government securities with two years to maturity


(7.1) Indirect tax payments – customs duties

(7.2) Indirect tax payments – gross payroll tax

(7.3) Indirect tax payments – sales taxes

(7.4) Indirect tax payments – excise duties

(7.5) Non-PAYE personal income.tax payments (annual)

(7.6) Company tax payments (annual)

(7.7) Direct income taxes payable

(7.8) Gross PAYE personal income tax


(8.1) Wages, salaries and supplements, non-farm

(8.2) Wages, salaries and supplements, farm

(8.3) Income from dwelling rent

(8.4) Income from non-farm unincorporated enterprises

(8.5) Income from dividends

(8.6) Gross operating surplus of dwellings owned by persons

(8.7) Gross operating surplus of non-farm unincorporated enterprises

Note: A subscript of zero indicates a constant.

Variables used in the model are:[52]

(i) Endogenous
APB Principal outstanding (Advances) of permanent building societies
ATT Loans, advances and bills discounted of all trading banks, less term and farm development loans
BKP Net apparent private capital movements
cf Real private final consumption expenditure on food
chd Real private final consumption expenditure on household durables
cmv Real private final consumption expenditure on purchase of motor vehicles
cndo Real private final consumption expenditure on non-durables excluding food and rent
cr Real private final consumption expenditure on rent
DCDT Certificates of deposit
DCT Dwelling construction time ratio
DFT Fixed deposits of the public (excluding certificates of deposit) with all trading banks
DPB Deposits with Permanent Building Societies
DPS Deposits of the public with savings banks
ds Real total value of private dwelling commencements
GSP Face value of the public's holdings of Australian Government Securities
ic Real gross fixed capital expenditure on private building and construction
id Real gross fixed capital expenditure on private dwellings
ie Real gross fixed capital expenditure on private equipment
iinf Real investment in non-farm stocks
ISVANF Valuation adjustment for (current price) non-farm stocks
LMAP Mortgage approvals of permanent building societies
LMAS Mortgage approvals of savings banks
LMAT Mortgage approvals of trading banks
mgo Real imports of endogenous goods
NCP Notes and coin in the hands of the public
NCS Notes, coin and deposits with the Reserve Bank of all savings banks
NCT Notes, coin and cash balances with the Reserve Bank of all trading banks
NU Unemployment, registered applicants basis (000's persons)
NVAC Vacancies, registered basis (000's persons)
NWCNF Wage and Salary earners in non-farm civilian employment (excl. trainee teachers) (000's persons)
Pcg Implicit deflator for Government final consumption, index
PchdBT Implicit deflator for consumption of household durables, index, before tax
Pchf Implicit deflator for home consumption of farm goods, index
PcmvBT Implicit deflator for consumption of motor vehicles, index, before tax
PcndoBT Implicit deflator for consumption of non-durables excluding food and rent, index, before tax
Pcpi Consumer price index – all items, index
Pcr Implicit deflator for consumption of rent, index
PEWA Price expectations, % p.a.
Pic Implicit deflator for other building and construction, index
Pid Implicit deflator for private dwellings, index
Pie Implicit deflator for private equipment, index
Pig Implicit deflator for Government capital expenditure, index
Pkinf Implicit deflator for stocks of non-farm stocks, index
RCD Weighted average yield on three month certificate of deposit
RGS Theoretical yield on Australian Government securities with two years to maturity
TXC Customs duty tax paid
TXE Excise duty paid
TXP Gross payroll tax paid
TXS Sales tax paid
TYCP Company tax payments
TYPL Direct taxes payable on household income
TYPPG Gross PAYE personal income tax payments
TYPPNP Non-PAYE personal income tax payments
WMA Minimum weekly wage rate – adult males ($/week)
YDIV Income from dividends
YDR Income from dwelling rent
YGOSD Gross operating surplus of dwellings owned by persons
YGOSUNF Gross operating surplus of non-farm unincorporated enterprises
YUNF Income from non-farm unincorporated enterprises
YWSSF Farm wages, salaries and supplements
YWSSNF Non-farm wages, salaries and supplements

(ii) Exogenous or determined by non-core endogenous equations

ATS Loans, advances and bills discounted of all savings banks
B Monetary base
BD Percentage change in award wages implied by basic or national wage decisions
CNDO$ Private final consumption expenditure on non-durables excluding food and rent
DFRT Free deposits of all trading banks DFRT = (1.91(K1, + K2) − K3).DTT
DTS Total deposits with savings banks
DTT Deposits of the public with all trading banks plus government and inter-bank deposits with all trading banks
ER$US Exchange rate between Australia and U.S.
GCB Government's cash balances with the Reserve Bank. Includes Reserve Bank financing of state governments “Australian Government: Statement of Financial Transactions”. Confidential source for state government financing
GDP$ Gross domestic product
gdpnf Real gross domestic non-farm product (1974/75 prices)
gdpnfp Real potential non-farm gross domestic product
GFR Reserve Bank holdings of gold andforeign exchange, measured on a transactions basis
GFRADJ Discrepancy in equation for Reserve Bank holdings of gold and foreign exchange. Caused by timing and valuation differences
GTT Australian Government debt outstanding
gvpf Real gross value of farm production
GVPF$ Gross value of farm production
J2A Two quarter moving average
J4A Four quarter moving average
J4P Four quarter percentage change
J3S Three quarter sum
J4S Four quarter sum
JYP.PCPI The percentage change in the consumer price index since the last non-zero increase in the metal trades margins judgements, % p.a.
kc Real stock of other building and construction
kd Real stock of dwellings
ke Real stock of equipment
kinf Real stock of non-farm stocks
K1 SRD ratio
K2 LGS ratio
K3 Proportion of total deposits of trading banks held in term and farm development loans
LB Liquidity base – the sum of Reserve Bank holdings of gold and foreign exchange, government debt net and miscellaneous Reserve Bank accounts
LCMVN New credits for the purchase of new motor vehicles
LMA Value of mortgage approvals for new and used dwellings
NEF Total farm employment (000's persons)
NULCNF Normal unit labour costs, non-farm
Pc Implicit deflator for private consumption, index
Pcf Implicit deflator for consumption of food, index
Pchd Implicit deflator for consumption of household durables, index
Pcmv Implicit deflator for consumption of motor vehicles, index
Pcndo Implicit deflator for consumption of non-durables excluding food and rent, index
Pgdpnf Implicit deflator for gross non-farm domestic product, index
Pgneh Implicit deflator for home produced gross national expenditure, index
Pi Implicit deflator for total private investment, index
Pmat Implicit deflator for imports of endogenous goods after tariffs, index
Pmgo Implicit deflator for imports of endogenous goods, index
PRKE Implicit rental price of the services of construction capital
PRKE Implicit rental price of services of equipment capital
Pw World price index
Pxgf Implicit deflator for exports of farm goods, index
QD Variable to proxy the effects of bearing demand for trading bank advances 1 in 1973(3) – 1974(2) 0 otherwise
QMEB Dummy variable to allow for embargo on overseas borrowings
QMTAR Dummy variable for effects of tariff changes in 1973(3) on imports
QNU Numbers employed under government employment assistance schemes (including NEAT)
QNWCNF Numbers employed under government employment assistance schemes (excluding NEAT)
QPB1 Variable to proxy run on permanent building societies deposits −1 in 1974(4) 0 otherwise
QPB2 Variable to proxy run on permanent building societies deposits −1 in 1973(2) 2 in 1973(3) 0 otherwise
QPB3 Variable to proxy the effects of housing boom 1 in 1973(1), (2) 0 otherwise
QRDC Ratio of company depreciation to total depreciation
QRDCA Ratio of company depreciation (historical cost) to total depreciation (replacement cost)
QTYPL Adjustment to direct taxes payable on income – health insurance payments
QRW1 Weight on dwellings in consumer price index
QRW2 Weight on rent in consumer price index
QRW3 Weight on household durables in consumer price index
QRW4 Weight on other non-durables in consumer price index
QRW5 Weight on motor vehicles in consumer price index
QRW6 Weight on food in consumer price index
QS1 First quarter seasonal dummy variable
QS2 Second quarter seasonal dummy variable
QS3 Third quarter seasonal dummy variable
QS4 Fourth quarter seasonal dummy variable
Qtime Time trend
QW74 Dummy variable to account for wage explosion in 1974
RADV Weighted average rate of interest on advances by Major Trading Bank, %
RASB Interest rate on housing advances of savings banks, %
RCHD Sales tax rate on household durables, %
RCMV Sales tax rate on motor vehicles, %
RCS Statutory tax rate.on taxable company profits, ratio
REURO London 3 month Eurodollar rate, %
REX Quasi-statutory rate of excise duty, index
RFD Maximum interest rate on fixed deposits of all trading banks, %
RGM Theoretical yield on Commonwealth Government securities with ten years to maturity, %
RHMT Trading bank mortgage rate, %
RMOR Interest rate on private first mortgages, N.S.W., %
RP Gross payroll tax rate, ratio
RPBL Interest rate on permanent building society mortgage loans (weighted average of states), %
RPBS Interest rate on permanent building society deposits (weighted average of states), %
RPS Statutory tax rate on taxable personal income, whole of financial year rate, index
RPSP Statutory tax rate on personal income as announced each quarter
RSB Interest rate on Australian Savings Bonds, %
RSD Interest rate on Savings bank deposits (average of minimums), %
RSO Sales tax rate on other non-durables, %
SLT Total secured lending to permanent building societies (government plus non-government)
v Variable deposit ratio
TYCA Company tax allowances
TYNPA Non-PAYE tax allowances
TYPPA Estimated changes to PAYE collections not due to tax rate changes
WE Average weekly earnings per employed male unit ($/week)
xgf Real exports of farm goods
YCNID Net interest paid plus dividends received – companies
YCSVA Stock valuation adjustment for company stocks
YDEPC Depreciation allowances – companies
YGOSC Gross operating surplus of companies
YHNP Income base for non-PAYE tax payments
YWSS Wages, salaries and supplements
YWSSNF Non-farm wages, salaries and supplements


Unless otherwise stated variables are in current prices. [52]