RDP 8702: Open Market Operations in Australia: A U.S. Perspective Appendix

The purpose of this appendix is to derive the reduced form expression for interest rates in (13). From (11) the information contained in Inline Equation.

Further, postulate the following undetermined coefficient solution for the interest rate.

The coefficients α1, α2 can be thought of coefficients in a population regression given by (12). Therefore


where the last equality makes use of the fact that one can show that (ψ3m15) = (ψ3m2−ψ7)=0. Δ is the determinant of the 2×2 matrix in equation (A2) and is given by Inline Equation.

The undetermined coefficients are then solved for by equating their value on each side of (10). The result is Inline Equation, ψ3 = −(d3/d22θ, ψ4, ψ4 = −m1ψ3, ψ5 = m2ψ3, and Inline Equation where Inline Equation and Inline Equation.